Sukces IPACK-IMA 2022

8 czerwiec 2022
The live return of IPACK-IMA, the first international exhibition for the processing and packaging sector in 2022, represented the synthesis of the best technological solutions in terms of research and innovation. Solutions that had remained in the plants for years and were finally unveiled at Fiera Milano to an international audience that responded very well in terms of quality and quantity.

IPACK-IMA 2022 marks the success of an exhibition model based on cross-contamination between related disciplines, applications and business ecosystems, which confirms the event as an essential moment of networking at an international level. The marketing approach, focused on specialisation in business communities carefully designed to guarantee industry players an effective experience in identifying the best answer to their needs, proved successful.

Sustainability and digitalisation are the macro-trends that emerged from this edition of IPACK-IMA, where over 2,000 product and process innovations that will shape the production dynamics of the next few years in the food and non-food sectors were presented.Content and innovation also featured in the more than 25 update and networking events, including the international forum Packaging Speaks Green, which took stock of the green revolution in the packaging industry, the Best Packaging innovation awards and the World Star Awards, the most important international contest for the industry, as well as the IPACK-IMA Smart Factory and IPACK-IMA Digital, which transported the visitor into a real manufacturing experience of the future.

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