FPC otwiera rejestracje dla FPC Future & FPC Careers 2022

25 czerwiec 2022
The second edition of the well-received event will explore how to safeguard future food supply and the next generation of talent.

The Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) – the UK’s fresh produce trade association – has unveiled today brand new websites for the 2022 edition of FPC Future and FPC Careers, the ground-breaking agritech and unparalleled careers event for the fresh produce and flower industries. 

The launch of fpcfuture.co.uk and fpccareers.co.uk enables visitors to register for the second edition of the now annual event, which takes place on 3 November 2022 at the East Of England Arena and Events Centre in Peterborough, the UK.

FPC Future 2022 will provide a vital insight into the future of agritech for the fresh produce and flower industries. This falls in line with the Government’s Food Strategy, published last week, which plans to drive innovation and harness pioneering technology in the UK farming sector in order to help increase domestic production, spread jobs and grow the economy.

To that end, FPC’s exhibition and conference event is designed to lift the lid on the agricultural and horticultural innovations needed to safeguard the future of our food supply. 

FPC CEO Nigel Jenney explains: “The fallout from the pandemic, coupled with the many challenges brought about by Brexit, will continue to affect our supply chains unless we can find solutions now. FPC Future will showcase all that is new right now, and explore what the future promises, such as the rapidly expanding vertical farming industry. Visitors will be able to see how new technologies can help them become more efficient, increase productivity and assist their workforce. ” 

Last year’s inaugural FPC Future and FPC Careers attracted over 850 visitors in one day. The event was well received by the industry, with almost 90 per cent of attendees planning to attend again. 

FPC Future 2022 features a large exhibition that will showcase numerous agritech innovations, products and services from around the world. Expert speaker sessions will run throughout the day as part of the conference programme. 

Unparalleled FPC Careers Fair Returns 

The rapid adoption of technology in the food and fresh produce industry is creating exciting new career opportunities, and a reconsideration of how sector skills are developed.

As such, FPC’s specialised recruitment fair FPC Careers will run alongside FPC Future to provide exhibitors with a unique opportunity to secure the next generation of talent. 

Jenney comments: “To drive forward the industry’s ambitious plans for the future, it is fundamental that we attract the very best candidates. We are a diverse industry and there are a multitude of opportunities available for every career choice. By co-locating FPC Future and FPC Careers we will connect leading employers with the best and brightest jobseekers.” 

FPC is working in collaboration with colleges and universities across the UK to invite undergraduates and postgraduates from all academic disciplines to meet with exhibitors and specialised recruitment agencies.

Candidates will include those aged 18-30 years old who are seeking a career in fresh produce and its many related industries, including: retail, foodservice, logistics, packaging, technology and wholesale, as well as the general food and drink sector.

Go to fpcfuture.co.uk and/or fpccareers.co.uk to register your place.

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