Freshfel Europe wspiera Master in Communication, Marketing i International Management dla profesjonalistów

18 lipiec 2022
The sectors professionalization is evolving in an ever uncertain and disruptive environment with more and more complex regulatory and business requirements to cope with societal and environmental concerns. In this context, Freshfel Europe is supporting initiatives for the sector such as the SHAFFE Master degree for the global fresh produce sector aiming at continuous training and education of its fresh produce business professionals.

The fresh produce industry is rapidly changing due to different factors. This is evident today, as the sector is affected not only by adverse weather conditions due to climate change, but also by complex logistical situations, the Covid pandemic, the rising production costs and the consequences of the war in Ukraine which has generated shortages of materials to produce and difficulties in accessing these conflicting markets.

In addition to all this, regulatory changes in the markets, and the emergence of more and more sustainability requirements are other aspects to be considered for the professionals of the fresh produce industry. Today the industry faces a more informed and demanding consumer, as well as a lower availability of workers, among others.Philippe Binard, General Delegate of Freshfel Europe commented: “Freshfel Europe is please to support the Master in Communication, Marketing and International Management for fresh produce professionals designed by SHAFFE. This will fill a gap and respond to the needs of industry professionals involved in global trade in this changing and challenging environment”.

The master’s degree launched by SHAFFE is a unique opportunity to achieve this goal while motivating young talent to be part of a very professional business environment.

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