Anuga: duża liczba zgłoszeń podczas kampanii wczesnej rezerwacji

14 wrzesień 2022
Industry relies on the leading global trade fair, Anuga, in difficult times: High number of applications during the early booking campaign

Early bird discount still available until 30 September 2022The food and beverage industry is on the move - and so is its leading global trade fair, Anuga. Currently dwindling sales markets and the search for new business potential, faltering supply chains, climatological developments and the related discussions about energy and raw materials are challenging the food and beverage industry more than ever. Worldwide leading, export-oriented trade fairs like Anuga provide the opportunity to establish business contacts and promote personal, trusting customer relations. Exhibiting companies can book their stand at the early bird price up until 30 September 2022 and make sure they are on board for the start of the allocation of the placements.

"It is important to us that Anuga offers an international presentation platform and above all the opportunity for an exchange. Personal encounters are more important than ever and our exhibitors are confirming this. A mood of optimism prevails throughout the ten trade shows of Anuga. And we are receiving similar feedback from political circles, for example we are looking forward to welcoming the Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir, at the opening of Anuga," explained Stefanie Mauritz, Director Anuga.

Quotes from exhibitors of Anuga Meat or Anuga Chilled & Fresh Food like "our company is focusing on Anuga" or "participating at Anuga is a must", confirm the trust in the world's largest trade fair for the food industry. Discussions with top brands, who are showing an interest in Anuga again for the first time in many years are also ongoing for Anuga Drinks and Anuga Hot Beverages. In the bio segment, beyond the specialised trade, the suppliers are betting on Anuga Organic to reach a wider target group of buyers.

"Furthermore, in the scope of Anuga Fine Food we are clearly noticing that countries and companies want to use Anuga to tap into new sales markets after the collapse of markets like Russia and the Ukraine. In addition to innovative industry newcomers we are looking forward to being able to present the complete offer of the national and international dairy industry again at Anuga Dairy in 2023. The Dairy Alternatives Area that was introduced for the first time in 2021 will be further extended in 2023. And nearly all relevant players are on board again at Anuga Bread & Bakery," is how Mauritz summed up the present number of applications.

The further developed Anuga Out of Home (previously "Anuga Culinary Concepts") will include new exhibitor groups for example from the delivery or to-go segments for the first time.

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