Fruit Attraction docenia innowacyjność i przedsiębiorczość w konkursie Innovation Hub Awards

29 wrzesień 2022
Fruit Attraction, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX and held from 4 to 6 October, will once again host the Innovation Hub Awards, which recognises and highlights the R&D&I efforts of the industry as a whole, and of each company in particular.

On this occasion, 15 products, out of the 46 submitted, have been chosen as finalists, and will have to defend their candidacy before the jury of the Innovation Hub Awards on Thursday 6 October, starting at 12.30 p.m. in the fair’s Innova Forum 3 (hall 3, stand 3B09).  

After their defence and the jury's deliberation, the winner in each category - Fresh Produce; F&V Industry and Sustainability and Commitment Actions - will be chosen, and the prize-giving ceremony will take place, with a cash prize of 2,000 euros for each winner.

Information on the 46 nominated products and services will be available at Fruit Attraction's Innovation Hub space, located in the centre of halls 8-10, as well as on the fair's website. 

This year's finalists in the Fresh Produce category are:

1.-RubisGold, from the company Earth Market Iberica -stand 9H01C-, a new variety of yellow apple that is equal parts aromatic, crunchy, juicy, sweet and tangy.

2.-Guacamole powder, from Interanza -stand 6D01-. Add water to the guacamole powder and serve.

3.-Broccoli Mole, from Sat Bonnysa -stand 3D01-: the perfect combination of avocado and broccoli, this guacamole features an authentic flavour and the properties of both products. Its intense and authentic flavour surprises anyone that tastes it.

4.- Creamy and natural pumpkin desserts with fruit, from Surinver -stand 7E04-. A delicious combination that offers unique flavours with a smooth and creamy texture.5.- iSTEM, from Syngenta - stand 9E12 - are the new 100% edible cauliflower stems.

The finalists in the F&V Industry category are:
1.- Dendrofruit 360, from the company Agerpix -stand 5C09C-, is an automatic sizing system that can daily measure fruit on the tree (stone fruit, pome fruit, etc.) in real time. It provides real fruit-growth data for the species and makes projections of future sizes, allowing for quick corrective decisions to be taken.

2.- Flexygo Q, from Ahora -stand 5B08D-, is a tool designed to meet the quality specifications of the fruit and vegetable industry and make the right decisions to maximise profitability throughout the supply chain process.

3.- Sinclair EcoLabel HOME™ (OKH - S0728), from Sinclair -stand 3F04A-, is a food-safe, direct contact, home compostable fruit label for high-speed, automated application and manual labelling. A paper-based, plastic-free label whose entire construction has been independently certified under OK compost - HOME' (OKH - S0728) certifications by TÜV Austria.

4.- Biocartene® mulch film, from Sipa Natur World / Kacem Logistica -stand 8A02F-, is a certified 100% organic and biodegradable mulch film for the ground and replaces conventional plastic mulch. The material complies with EN ISO 17556, and is certified OK Biodegradable Soil by TUV Austria.

5.- Persicop, from Syngenta -stand 9E12-, is a biological nitrogen fixer derived from microorganisms for vegetable, fruit and citrus crops.

The finalists in the Sustainability and Engagement Actions category are:

1.- Resilbio range: Resilbio Natural and Resilbio manifest the commitment to soil regeneration that M2 Algaenergy - stand 9E14- has. Resilbio Natural: it conditions the soil and improves its structure for rooting phases, thus promoting root development. Resilbio M2: a soil conditioner that is a synergy of microalgae with microbes.

2.- Broccoli cream, from Agromark -stand 7E01-. On a mission to reduce food waste, this product is made from parts you would never see in a supermarket. The stem and leaves are probably not as attractive as the broccoli flower, but conscientious consumption is certainly appealing, and to a large extent.

3.- Equi-sun, from Deygest -stand 8B05E-, is a liquid solution based on enzymatic hydrolysis amino acids of vegetable origin derived from parts of rice, soya and wheat crops in varying proportions. It has a preventive action against sunburn caused by sunstroke due to excess temperature and solar radiation. It is also effective in preventing cracking of plant tissues, which is caused by a lack of cellular elasticity.

4.- La Parcela cherry tomato vegan burger, from the company Granada la Palma -stand 9D05-. A healthy, sustainable and environmentally committed snack. The control of the entire process, from sowing to marketing, and a strong sense of responsibility inspired by the circular economy and recycling, make this product a benchmark for sustainability and commitment.

5.- Neo Nanobubble Generator, from Moleae -stand 5C09A-. Revolutionary nanobubble technology to improve water quality, preserve plant health, improve productivity, facilitate water savings and improve water use in arid areas. It reduces chemical use and improves root health even in the hottest climates. This patented technology has been recognised by Universities around the world and has received important awards.

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