Powraca obszar pokazów kulinarnych Fruit Attraction

26 wrzesień 2022
As always, Fruit Attraction presents Chef Factory, a one-of-a-kind scenario for promoting fruit and vegetable producers on the international channel in order to highlight the quality and excellence of these foods, as well as the countless ways they can be eaten that the hotel, restaurant and catering channel offers.

This space will host enticing product demonstrations and tastings by renowned chefs. Chef Factory will once again feature a collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and it will be located in the centre of halls 4 and 6 of Fruit Attraction, a fair organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX , which will be held from 4 to 6 October 2022.

On this occasion, Chef Factory will be the setting for different cooking shows that will use a variety of products, such as different types of mushrooms, dragon fruit, escarole, avocados, leeks, oranges, saffron and mandarin leaves; bananas; mangos and strawberries; figs and pears; artichokes; potatoes; Brazilian fruits; pineapples and chayotes; kale, broccoli and cauliflower, etc. This is an area where people can learn more about all the culinary possibilities of the fruit and vegetable products offered by some of Fruit Attraction’s participants, such as the Regional Government of La Rioja; Cuadraspania; Frutas Montosa; Castilla y León - Tierra de sabor; Naranjas Torres; the Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador; Gran Canaria's Primary Sector; Cítricos Gustavo Ferrada; Extremadura Avante; Frutas y Hortalizas de Fontellas; Udapa S. Coop; Abrafrutas; Essential Costa Rica; Grupo Foody’s (Brotalia); Cricket; 5 Al Día; Corpei.

The sessions will be attended by renowned Spanish chefs such as Manuel Álvarez López de Samaniego; Juan Moreno; Rocío Parra; Mar Soler; Juan Santiago Fuentes; Carlos Carpi; Pepe Valadés; Juan Carlos Fernández; Maite Rojas; Cristina Prats; Pablo González and  Cristina Monge, and international chefs such as Andrés Cerdeña Rendón, from Peru; Norbert Tarayre and  Rose Michelle, from France; Daniela Valverde and Andrés Granda, from Ecuador; Luciana Berry, from Brazil and Guillermo Castro Pérez, from Costa Rica.

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