Ekspert handlowy w sektorze owocowo-warzywnym” – nowe szkolenie prowadzone przez Sanlucr i AHK

3 październik 2022
• The program is aimed at the youngest employees of the multinational fruit and vegetable company who wish to give a boost to their career within the commercial area of the firm

The company SanLucar and the German Chamber of Commerce for Spain - AHK have launched the new program in "Commercial Expert in Fruit and Vegetables" this year. A new qualification to train the young talents within the fruit and vegetable trade branch.

During 2 years and including 100 learning hours, this new program offers young SanLucar commercials the opportunity to keep pushing their careers forward in the agri-food sector.

In the first edition of the course, not only junior commercials of the premium brand for fruit and vegetables participate, but also employees from other areas of the company, who have demonstrated their skills to grow in the commercial field."To us, it was important having a program that focuses on what we call Experience Learning: the combination of theory and practical experiences such as field visits, to better learn about the product and our cultivation partners. The training is also oriented towards Learning on the Job. That means the direct application of what has been learned through the implementation of projects, and the integration of the experience gained in the day-to-day work of our junior employees," explains Program Manager Jessica Scheidig.

The new "Commercial Expert in Fruit and Vegetables" classes are taught at the SanLucar headquarters in Valencia (Spain) by professionals of the company: Experts of the international enterprise with a lot of experience in key areas of the business such as Purchasing & Sales, Logistics or Production.

"The fruit and vegetable commercial is a true specialist in the area. A professional with very specific competencies and a deep knowledge of the product, logistics and sales processes. With this program, we are responding to the complexity involved in the development of a good commercial within the agriculture industry," says Nils Ahmad, Director of Training & Development at SanLucar.

SanLucar employees who successfully complete the training will receive a diploma certified by the German Chamber of Commerce for Spain-AHK.

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