7. edycja agrofood & plastprintpack West Africa 2022 obejmuje szybko rozwijający się rynek

2 listopad 2022
Country pavilions 2022 from Egypt, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Türkiye. 
Following the huge success of agrofood & plastprintpack West Africa 2019, its 7th edition will now take place from 29 November to 01 December 2022 at the state-of-the-art Trade Center Arena in Accra.Organised by the German trade show specialists fairtrade, agrofood & plastprintpack West Africa is the most important platform for the fast-growing West African market. The exhibition will again be supplemented by a 3-day program full of presentations and conferences.

Country pavilions from Egypt, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Türkiye

agrofood & plastprintpack West Africa 2022 is marked by official country pavilions from Egypt, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Türkiye, and by a strong presence of local Ghanaian and international market leaders in crop and animal production, food, beverage and packaging technology, food & hospitality, plastics raw materials and plastprintpack technology.- Egypt joins in with an official national pavilion supported by EECA - Egypt Expo and Convention Authority. 
- The presenters of the German Pavilion featuring eleven German exhibitors plus an information stand are the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, in cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) 
- The Italian Pavilion with more than ten Italian exhibitors is supported by ITA-Italian Trade Agency in cooperation with ACIMGA, AMAPLAST, ASSOFOODTEC and UCIMA.
- The Netherlands Pavilion is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and GNBCC - Ghana Netherlands Business & Culture Council.
- South Africa joins in with a Department of Agriculture Western Cape Pavilion of 19 exhibitors. 
- Visitors are offered a cup of fresh Ceylon Tea as the Sri Lanka Tea Board presents nine producers of fine Ceylon Tea. 
- The Turkish Pavilion is organised by EXPOTIM LADIN.

Facts & figures on the West African agrofood & plastprintpack market

Agricultural technology: The West African market for agricultural technology becomes ever more important. According to the German Engineering Federation VDMA, West African imports of such machinery reach around €200 million annually.

Food & beverage technology: From €496 million in 2015 to €641 million in 2020, West Africa’s imports of food & beverage technology show an annual increase of 5.3% between 2015 and 2020. (VDMA)

Food & beverage ingredients: With already well over 420 million inhabitants (2022), which according to the World Bank will rise to 800 million by 2050, West Africa is a huge food market. Expenditure in the F&B sector is growing steadily, and F&B production is by far the largest segment of the West African processing industry. Accordingly, the demand for food and beverage ingredients is rising continuously. 

Food trade with West Africa: According to the World Trade Organization WTO, West African food imports have reached around US$16 billion and exports US$14 billion. Thus, food trade with West Africa is a US$30 billion business.

Plastics technology: West African imports of plastics technology accounted for €217 million in 2020, having increased from €219 million in 2018 to €263 million in 2019. Major West African import markets of plastics technology - apart from Nigeria – are Ivory Coast, Ghana, Senegal, Togo, Guinea and Mali, in this order. (VDMA)

Printing and paper technology: Such technology was imported at a value of €95 million in 2020, €109 million in 2019 and €107 million in 2018 (VDMA), with Ghana, Ivory Coast and Senegal as main importers - apart from Nigeria.

Packaging technology: Imports amounted to €309 million in 2020, up 3.3% from 299 million euros in 2019 - steady growth even in the Corona year 2020. Major West African importers – apart from Nigeria – are Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso. (VDMA)

Strong institutional support of agrofood & plastprintpack West Africa 2022

The 7th edition of agrofood & plastprintpack West Africa 2022 enjoys the strong support of the following institutions.

Support from within Ghana- Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA)- Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI)- Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA)- Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC)- Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA)- Association of Ghana Industries (AGI)- Food and Beverages Association of Ghana (FABAG)

International support- ACIMGA Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery for the Graphic, Paper and Converting Industry.- AHK Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana- AMAPLAST Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds Manufacturers’ Association- ASSOFOODTEC - Italian Association of Manufacturers of Machinery, Plants, Equipment for Food Production, Processing and Preservation- DLG German Agricultural Society- EECA - Egypt Expo and Convention Authority- Embassies of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Türkiye to Ghana- German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, in cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair - Industry (AUMA)- GIZGNBCC Ghana Netherlands Business & Culture Council- ITA Italian Trade Agency- South African Department of Agriculture Western Cape- Sri Lanka Tea Board- UCIMA - Union of Italian Manufacturers of Automatic Packaging Machinery

Review 2019

The 6th agrofood West Africa in 2019 featured the participation of 87 exhibitors from 17 countries presenting dedicated solutions for hundreds and hundreds of trade visitors and buyers from Ghana and neighbouring West African countries. The exhibitors came from Belgium, China, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Türkiye.

For more information: www.agrofood-westafrica.comwww.ppp-westafrica.com

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