SanLucar organizuje szkolenie w zakresie zarządzania handlem hurtowym i zagranicznym

15 styczeń 2023
The multinational agri-food company announces the opening of the registration period for the free educational program, which offers the students a monthly salary during the two years of their theoretical and practical training. 

The new year is starting and with it a new call for young people who wish to enroll in the Dual Training program in Wholesale and Foreign Trade Management offered in Valencia by the multinational company SanLucar, in collaboration with the FEDA Madrid-German Business School. 

Thanks to the initiative of the premium fruit and vegetable brand and its partner in the project, this innovative program landed in Spain for the first time in 2019. It offers the younger generation the opportunity to train in international trade and make the leap into the labor market in just 2 years.

Due to the combination of theory and practice, the Dual Vocational Training also allows recent graduates to receive a job offer in the companies where they do their internships, as they are trained according to their needs. 
In its 2023 call, those joining the program will follow the theoretical classes at the SanLucar headquarters in Valencia and will be able to choose to do their internships in companies such as SanLucar, Tedi, Edeka Fruchtkontor, Primafrio, Krannich Solar or Cabka Group, among others. In addition, to bring students closer to the reality of the market where teleworking is already common practice, classes will be taught virtually once a week. 

"Our Dual Training program provides students with an important added value for the companies where they do their internships, as they acquire a transversal knowledge of the different areas of the business. Moreover, they graduate with highly specialized know-how within our own sector of activity, while gaining a global vision of the company at the same time. At SanLucar we are aware of this, which is why 60-70% of the students who do their Dual Vocational Training with us become part of our workforce", says Nils Ahmad, Director of Training & Development at SanLucar. 

Requirements and advantages of the training

The Dual Training in Wholesale and Foreign Trade Management is a completely free training program in which the students also receive a monthly salary during the two years of studies. At the end of their studies, the students receive a diploma certified by the German Chamber of Commerce for Spain – AHK. What are the requirements for candidates?  
"As a basic requirement, students must have a high school diploma, as well as knowledge of English, German and Spanish. This is due to the international component of the program as well as the companies that are part of it. German is the language of instruction for the theory classes, while Spanish and English are the day-to-day languages used in the Valencia-based companies, where the students carry out their internships. In case we identify that they need help in a particular language, we facilitate their participation in the language classes that are regularly taught at SanLucar”, explains Mandy Zwahlen, responsible of the Dual Training program at SanLucar. 

Those interested in the Dual Vocational Training in Wholesale and Foreign Trade Management can register from today via the SanLucar website ( The first selection of candidates will take place from March 2023 and the official start of the program will be in September 2023. 

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