An exciting climate action initiative 'Plant for Life'

7 listopad 2019

The Spain-based distributor will plant one tree for every metric ton of fresh produce sold under its Daily Greens brand.

Greenfood Iberica – a part of Greenfood Group, one of the largest corporate groups operating in the Nordic healthy food industry – is proud to announce the launch of its ‘Plant For Life’ initiative; a bold and exciting project that forms part of the forward-thinking company’s contribution to building a sustainable future for all.

With the world calling for climate action, Plant For Life will see Greenfood Iberica, a full-service specialist for the direct distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables, donate one tree for every metric ton of fresh produce sold by the company under its Daily Greens brand. The donation will go to the Plant-for-the-Planet foundation which will plant the trees and nurture their development. By the end of this year, 2,500 trees will be planted in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, as a result.

Greenfood Iberica CEO, Jussi Alitalo, reveals: “No more talking, let’s start doing something positive! Our planet needs us, and at Greenfood Iberica we believe that it’s time to take action.”

Alitalo continues: “Each time our customers buy Daily Greens produce from us, they will be contributing towards offsetting the carbon footprint generated by the production and transport of those products. The more Daily Greens that we sell, the better the impact we can have for our planet and our people.”

Greenfood Group has a fully operational, group-wide sustainability organisation that operates long-term based on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. Plant For Life is designed to align with Goal 13 for Climate Action and Goal 15 for Life on Land, which pledge to address global warming, and to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity, respectively.

Greenfood Iberica has chosen to support reforestation since forests are regarded as being crucial for combating climate change. According to the UN, trees are the most effective, as well as the cheapest, means of absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2). Planting trees, therefore, will allow more time to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero, and to mitigate the crisis of global climate change.

The UN states that trees help to cool the planet by drawing in and storing harmful greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, within their trunks, branches and leaves. Additionally, trees help to maintain biodiversity, plus they play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters, like floods and landslides.

Alitalo explains: “Greenfood Iberica is a transparent, open, honest and ethical company that strives to do better. We want to grow with our customers by helping them to offer consumers healthy, sustainable and tasty products that have been ethically produced, with respect for workers’ rights, and supplied in practical packaging. Our Plant for Life project represents another important step along this journey.”

Founded in 2004, Greenfood Iberica is a modern and dynamic sourcing office with a solid growth trajectory. By 2020, the company expects its turnover to hit 43 million Euros, after achieving 24 million Euros last year. In 2018, the firm delivered 2,800 trucks of fresh produce from Spain to wholesalers, fresh-cut processors and retailers in northern Europe.

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