Macfrut Digital is sold out

6 sierpień 2020
Macfrut Digital, 8-10 September 2020, is sold out and has added a new virtual pavilion. In addition to the nine pavilions planned during the launch phase, there is now a tenth pavilion dedicated to international exhibitors, the “Country Pavilion”. In fact, a huge number of participants from China has joined the event along with many others from five continents. China will be present at the digital trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector with 50 companies representing the various segments of the fruit and vegetable industry, especially production. ‘This is a clear indication that Chinese companies have realised that this project has great potential and that they believe in this way of communicating and doing business,’ explains Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut. ‘Today, we need to tackle the market differently compared to just a few months ago. The signs we are receiving from Macfrut Digital point in this direction.’ 

Also due to the large number of participants from China, the Digital Trade Fair is sold out and registrations have been closed. 500 exhibition units have been taken up, which will represent the entire fruit and vegetable industry. Piraccini continues: ‘The response has been far greater than we could have anticipated. When we presented the Macfrut Digital project three months ago, we set ourselves the target of 200 units. Due to the growing number of requests for participation, we decided to increase the number of units to 500. We have now achieved this goal and are very satisfied with the response, which comes as a challenge for the entire sector. I would like to thank the global network of the ICE – Italian Trade Agency offices for their invaluable contribution.’

Song Juguo, Deputy Director General of the Agricultural Trade Promotion Center, explains: ‘In order to hold business meetings and create business opportunities for Chinese companies, the Agricultural Trade Promotion Center and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China will set up a Chinese national pavilion at Macfrut Digital. More than 50 Chinese companies will participate in the trade fair to showcase their fresh fruit and vegetables, including apples, table grapes, pears and many other fruits such as kiwis, peaches, subtropical fruits such as lychees and lemons, and tropical fruits such as mangoes, and oranges. Buyers will also find chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and other nuts as well as peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and other vegetables.’The Chinese delegation will also hold a “China-Europe Fruit Business” Forum that will be accessible to everyone on the Macfrut Digital website following registration.

Companies who will submit a participation request from now on will be placed on a special waiting list. For more information, please visit 

Elena Vincenzi/Stefania Duminuco
International press office Macfrut

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