Everything is ready for the Digital Agrifood Summit Portugal 2021, which takes place on 20-23 January 2021

15 styczeń 2021
The Portuguese agri-food sector is holding a pioneering event between 20th and 23rd January: the Digital Agrifood Summit Portugal, an online event that aims to put Portuguese producers and exporters in contact with buyers. This clear commitment to tackling the challenges of the current situation seeks to boost Portuguese agri-food exports worldwide. The digital initiative, conceived by the Portuguese Agrofood Cluster in collaboration with ViniPortugal, is supported by the Portuguese Secretary of State for Internationalization, the Ministry of Agriculture, AICEP (Aicep Portugal Global – Portuguese Trade and Investment Agency) and FIPA (Federation of Portuguese Agri-Food Industries).

This digital event has been widely applauded by the Portuguese agri-food sector, with 74 exporters taking part in this first edition, representing products from every corner of Portugal and showcasing the tremendous variety of its agri-food production: wines, olive oils, highend pastries, cheeses and charcuterie, meat and fish, fruit and vegetables, and an endless range of processed food products. These producers embrace tradition and innovation in their extensive product catalogues.

Portugal thus continues to advance towards the digital economy. By the end of 2021, it is expected that Portuguese companies will have increased their investment in the 4.0 industry by up to sixteen percentage points. Furthermore, 50% of these companies forecast growth in their exports and business volume of between five and fifteen percent.

Any companies interested in enlarging their offering of Portuguese products still has time to take part in the event. Simply register at the following link, which is both quick and free of charge: https://bit.ly/DASP2021. This will generate an access code which buyers can use to log on to the platform after 20 January, when they can visit the virtual stands and meet up with the exhibiting companies. A whole world of flavour is waiting to be discovered, now within your reach just a click away.

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