Grüne Woche 2025: „Organiczne? Oczywiście!”

11 listopad 2024

Organic has proven positive effects on biodiversity, climate, animal husbandry and much more. And: organic tastes good.

What does that mean in concrete terms? Exhibitors in the Organic Hall will be providing information on this under the motto ‘Organic? Well of course!’. Here, trade fair visitors can find out first-hand from organic farmers, bakeries, bakeries and winegrowers how sustainable, delicious organic products are created. Visitors can sample many delicious organic specialities on site or purchase them to enjoy at home. There will be exciting organic knowledge and small prizes to be won in the digital hall rally.

The live programme promises interesting debates and instructive workshops to join in and try out. Organic vegetables on the city balcony, making your own kitchen cheese and spreads from pulses are just a few examples. On the organic stage, there will be entertaining cookery shows with tasty snacks from top organic chef Renate Lieb and top organic chef Bernd Trum to try out and cook yourself. The major organic associations will also be represented in the Organic Hall.

The organic association Bioland presents the 7 Bioland principles according to the motto ‘We farm for you’. These principles are the basis on which the more than 10,000 Bioland farms in production, manufacturing, trade and catering work. At the same time, they show the advantages and benefits of organic farming and the Bioland association. All of this will be presented in a visually appealing and practical way and brought to life for visitors to the Grüne Woche together with members and partners from the catering trade (Weideschuss), the bakery trade (Zeit für Brot), beekeeping (Honigtreu) and a retail partner (Lidl).

In addition, Bioland e.V. will bring the benefits of an organic lifestyle directly to the people with the Bio-Mobil via the EU-funded project ‘Grenzenlos Regional - Bio in Europa’. In an interactive and playful way, visitors to the fair will learn more about organic produce, meet players from the entire value chain and enjoy organic products up close.

The Demeter organic association invites visitors to its stand to experience biodynamic quality with all their senses. Visitors to the fair can taste and savour the special quality of Demeter food at the joint stand of Demeter e.V. and Demeter co-exhibitors. Here they will find many delicious tasting and sampling activities and have the opportunity to talk to employees and find out more about Germany's oldest organic organisation.

As the world's largest organic association, Naturland will be demonstrating why it is important to promote organic farming worldwide. At the Naturland stand, visitors can enjoy organic coffee specialities, for example, and test the taste of different organic nuts. Visitors can find out how important organic is under water at the food truck. In addition to information, there will of course also be tasty fish snacks from organic aquaculture.

‘Organic? Well, logo!’ is also the motto at the stand of the Federal Organic Farming Programme (BÖL). The BÖL team invites visitors, trade visitors and the media to discuss the following questions: Can I really rely on organic? Are animals really kept differently in organic farming? Does organic really ensure more biodiversity? Are there really fewer additives in organic food? What about climate and soil protection? And how can I actually recognise organic food? Visitors to the fair will be able to discuss these issues - together with farmers from the network of organic demonstration farms, organic research teams, representatives from organic towns and regional organic value chain projects.

One thing is certain: guests of all ages can look forward to the best ‘biotainment’ in the Bio-Halle and to many delicious organic products.

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