Macfrut 2025, biorozwiązania w centrum uwagi na Biosolutions International Event

19 listopad 2024

From May 6th to 8th, 2025, the Rimini Expo Centre will host the International Biosolutions Fair: an exhibition area featuring top global players, an international congress, innovation awards and technical round tables. Focus on climate change and the latest innovations from producers of sustainability technologies. 

A growing sector is set to showcase itself at Macfrut, the international trade fair for the fresh produce sector to be held at the Rimini Expo Centre (Italy) from Tuesday 6 May to Thursday 8 May 2025. The Biosolutions International Event (BIE), the exhibition dedicated to natural plant protection, plant nutrition and biostimulation products, will be back for the next edition of the trade fair. 

The exhibition has established itself as the most significant event of its kind in Southern Europe by adopting a comprehensive approach to the subject in question. During the three-day trade fair, visitors will be able to find out more about every aspect of biosolutions through a wide range of specialised events: an exhibition (about 70 companies participated at the last edition) held in a central location in the South Hall (the area of the trade fair that attracts the greatest number of visitors), an international Congress focusing on peach trees, the Biosolutions Innovation Award ceremony that rewards the most innovative products, technical round tables for exhibitors and sponsors, and meetings with foreign buyers open to all exhibitors. In addition, as a major innovation, the next edition will also feature producers of sustainability technologies (such as drones, DSS and artificial intelligence). 

‘The Biosolutions International Event, launched in 2019, is a great opportunity for the biosolutions sector to connect with the Italian and international fruit and vegetable supply chains,’ explains Roberto Sciolino of Agri2000 Net, coordinator of the BIE. ‘Key players will include specialists in areas such as biocontrol, biostimulation, special nutrition products and sustainability technologies, as well as leading global companies, input distributors, agricultural entrepreneurs and experts in the sector, which is attracting increasing attention from the EU and consumers. 

Sciolino gives us a wider view of how biosolutions are playing an important part in modern agriculture: ‘We are clearly living in a time of climate change. In light of the current situation, it is vital for the agri-food sector to adopt biosolutions and other technologies that can reduce the environmental impact and optimise the use of raw materials such as water and inputs to ensure the sector remains competitive and sustainable.’  

More info on the Biosolutions International Event (BIE): Roberto Sciolino 

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