Innowacyjne rozwiązania dla bardziej wydajnego łańcucha dostaw jabłek

19 listopad 2024

Located in Cesena, Italy the Sorma Group is proud to present its vast array of machinery  with the latest industrial automation and AI technologies for your packaging solutions.   

The Sorma Group, a leader in design and construction of post-harvest processing lines for fruit and vegetable products, will again be attending the Interpoma for the 2024 edition. The Sorma Group will be located in hall CD, stand C18/58 from the 21st to 23rd of November at the Bolzano exhibition centre presenting a wide range of advanced-technology solutions for the apple industry. 

Sorma Group offers machinery and other packaging systems for the various phases of apple processing. Designed with the intention to meet high demand of automation procedures. The Sorma Group’s excellent, effective, and rugged solutions guarantee outstanding performance with a long working lifetime. The vast Sorma catalogue is comprised of submergers, brushing machines, packaging tables, weighing systems, palletizers, and strapping machines. These machines are designed to be compatible with different package types and sizes, all of which provide gentle handling of fruit with a high level of precision and versatility. 

For example, the PRA-F111 Bin Submerger is a dual-purpose machine that submerges bins as it simultaneously rotates them to empty their content into the water channel speeding up the process time. For a gentle automated apple processing line from weighing to packaging, the Sorma Group, has developed a complete processing system that is comprised of the CP814ML Electronic Weigher and the FH210 Bagger. The weighing machine is equipped with technology that is self-learning and can adjust to the product being processed. This in turn optimizes its productivity while enabling the highest efficiency with the utmost gentleness. After weighing, the apples are conveyed to the FH210 bagging machine that is capable of process two types of thermo-sealed bags (with a handle or with a twisted closure). Once more, this machine has an extremely delicate product feed system and convey belts for smooth precise handling. 

Sorma has applied the latest technology to the apple processing industry in its F115 Cardboard Punnet Filling and Closing Line, which can quicky switch between punnet sizes due to software that can store the different settings. The line is comprised of a Denester, an Easypack Filler and a Punnet Closer and Labeller. For users interested in a machine to fill pockets, including, but not limited to those already placed in boxes Aporo is the perfect solution. Aporo is equipped with a multi-head pick-and-place robot arm able to process 220 to 300 apples a minute depending on the customer’s needs. This has the potential to save the labor cost of up to 5 workers. Equipped with the latest-generation video cameras it automatically detects the dimensions of the pockets and positions the apples with all their stalks facing in the same direction, presenting their most colorful side. 

There are several automatic Palletizers and Strapping solutions available. From grippers and loading bed palletizers able to use and handle a variety of box sizes with a versatile number of stacking layouts to either create full or half pallets, to strapping machines that can either stand-alone, in-line with palletizers or on a shuttle which travels between various pallets for strapping. They are also capable of being equipped with an automatic corner piece fitting system. 

These are just some of the many solutions The Sorma Group offers for the apple industry. The Sorma Group is also able to develop machinery and tailored lines fit customers specific needs. 

This offer is supported by the Sorma-Paper line, which is plastic-free and a hundred percent recyclable cardboard punnet with flaps. It is made of FSC-certified paper and cellulose suitable for standard packing machines with a vast scope for customization. This also includes the thermo-sealed or twisted-closure Poly Bags (with or without handle), which helps maintain a products natural moisture content. The Sorma Group also has the Sorma-Compostable line which offers a completely biodegradable, and compostable solution perfect for meeting the demands of consumers with an ever-increasing awareness of the environmental impact. Cellulose mesh, for example is ideal for organic products and holds an EN 13432 compost ability certification. 

“Thanks to the vast range of products and our solutions flexibility,” states the company’s Marketing Manager Mario Mercadini, “The Sorma Group can meet every customer’s specific needs by reducing processing times and guaranteeing high final product quality. Our machines help to increase apple industry business and competitiveness. Once more, with its full territorial cover our highly skilled after-sales service provides continuous personalized support which enables customers to adapt quickly to the international markets demands.” 

Again, The Sorma Group will be in hall CD, stand C18/58 at the Bolzano Exhibition Centre. 

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