Doświadczenia rolnicze podczas Zielonego Tygodnia 2025

2 grudzień 2024

Interactive themed trails invite visitors to discover

From 17 to 26 January, the ErlebnisBauernhof at Grüne Woche 2025 will be the meeting place for anyone who wants to experience modern agriculture up close. In Hall 3.2, organised by the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft together with around 70 partners from the agricultural and food sector, modern agriculture can be experienced in an interesting way. Under the motto ‘Secure food. Protect nature.’, visitors can explore key issues of our time on “Future Paths” - from innovative technology and nature conservation to sustainable soil management and animal welfare-orientated husbandry.

Four trails of the future: hands-on farming

The ErlebnisBauernhof offers four exciting trails of the future that shed light on the diverse aspects of modern agriculture in a unique way. A quiz at the entrance helps visitors to quickly find the path that suits them best. They then embark on an interactive journey of discovery through the hall.

1. Future Path Animal: Responsibility for the welfare of our farm animals

What does animal welfare look like in modern agriculture? The ‘Animal’ theme trail focuses on the welfare and health of our farm animals. Visitors to the fair will learn how farmers ensure the highest standards through innovative barn technology, targeted animal observation and intelligent feeding, for example.

2. Technology path of the future: innovation for the agriculture of the future

Digital technologies are changing agriculture. On the ‘Technology of the Future’ trail, visitors to the trade fair will experience how state-of-the-art machinery and software solutions are revolutionising work in the fields. Whether tractors with alternative drive technologies, drones for yield monitoring or apps for optimising operations: here you can see how agriculture is being made more efficient and at the same time more sustainable.

3. Nature path of the future: protecting diversity, conserving resources

Nature is our most important partner. On this trail, visitors learn how farms promote ecosystems and preserve biodiversity. Whether flower strips for insects, retreats for birds or sustainable water management - agriculture utilises nature and actively protects it.

4. Soil Path of the Future: The foundation for our food

Without healthy soil, there can be no food security. The ‘Soil’ theme trail shows why the earth beneath our feet is so crucial. Visitors to the trade fair can experience how farmers help to preserve fertility with targeted soil cultivation, crop rotation and humus build-up. At interactive stations, they can test for themselves how different soils store water and which measures help to prevent soil erosion.

Scavenger hunt with a reward

The trails of the future are designed as interactive scavenger hunts. Young and old can answer questions and discover exciting facts at the exhibition stands. Anyone who completes all the stations on a trail receives a cool refreshment in one of four collection cups as a reward - an enjoyable end to a visit to the ErlebnisBauernhof.

Varied stage programme: knowledge meets entertainment

Another highlight of ErlebnisBauernhof is the daily stage programme, which offers exciting insights and discussions on central topics of the agricultural and food industry: from animal welfare, biodiversity, innovation and plant cultivation to nutrition. The programme is aimed at all interested visitors of all ages and invites them to join in and discuss.

ErlebnisBauernhof: a place for dialogue

‘We want to show that agriculture today is innovative, sustainable and responsible,’ explains Lea Fliess, Managing Director of the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft. ‘Our themed trails offer an entertaining and educational approach to the key topics of nutrition and nature conservation. The farm experience is a place for dialogue between farmers, politicians and consumers.’

Information for media representatives

The ErlebnisBauernhof in Hall 3.2 will be open daily in Hall 3.2 from 17 January 2025 to 26 January 2025. Media representatives are cordially invited to explore the offer. Contact persons for interviews and further information will be available on site. All information about ErlebnisBauernhof 2025 can be found at

About the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft e.V.:

The Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft is a network from all areas of agriculture. We show modern agriculture as it is. We promote dialogue between agriculture and society and thus make modern agriculture visible and tangible for everyone.

Have you been to ErlebnisBauernhof at Grüne Woche? Have you ever spoken to one of our AgrarScouts on the market square in your town? Or visited our online channels about modern agriculture? The Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft is behind all these activities.

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