Przyszłość smakuje dobrze dzięki różnorodności żywności – branża spożywcza na Grüne Woche 2025

4 grudzień 2024

At Grüne Woche 2025, the joint stand “Zukunft schmeckt” of the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE) and the German Food Association will focus on diversity in all its facets: as the basis for food security, as the basis for personal preferences and as an essential building block for long-term sustainability strategies and the competitiveness of Germany as a business location.

Managing Director Christoph Minhoff: “At a time when the challenges posed by global crises and increasing regulatory requirements are becoming ever greater, it remains a key concern for companies in the German food industry to produce high-quality food and beverages at competitive prices. Diversity is the key to meeting the different needs and demands of consumers. Only by offering a broad and innovative range we as an industry can ensure that we meet all expectations in terms of taste, quality and sustainability. We will be presenting a small selection of this diversity at our stand at Grüne Woche 2025. Preserving and further developing food diversity is crucial to strengthening Germany as a business location. To achieve this, entrepreneurial freedom and legal requirements must be cleverly balanced in order to promote innovation and avoid bureaucratic obstacles, especially in times of crisis.”

Activities at the stand:
 The joint stand of the BVE and the Food Association is located in Hall 3.2 and offers a mix of education, action and exchange. The centerpiece of the stand is the show kitchen, where daily cooking shows are held for inspiration and enjoyment, as well as product tastings to train sensory skills. In addition, various topics relating to the food industry will be discussed in panel discussions with different experts.

The 3D social media wall, where visitors can have their photo taken amidst the variety of foods, will once again be waiting in the action area. Interested parties can also test their knowledge of nutrition and food. At two game consoles, questions about food labeling, ingredients and sustainability aspects can be answered in various game and quiz formats. You can travel through Europe with the food truck and prepare European specialties or get tips on how to avoid food waste in the special food waste quiz. A special highlight in 2025 will be the interactive “Tischlein deck dich”. Anyone who has always wanted to know how long and how many kilometers you have to cycle to burn off the calories in a pizza or how much protein beef contains compared to tofu should put together their digital meal here.

Partner at the stand (on site from 17.1. to 26.1.2025):

The zur Mühlen Group shows how quality and sustainability can be combined in food production. The broad product portfolio gives consumers a free choice: whether classic meat and sausage products, organic, halal or vegan alternatives - the zur Mühlen Group supplies high-quality food for every taste.

Partner of the day:

Nestlé Germany (on site on 17.1.2025): From the cocoa bean to the chocolate bar: Nestlé shows the path that cocoa takes through the entire supply chain and how more sustainable cultivation can be achieved. For more than ten years, the company has been working to help improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and their families. The Income Accelerator Program in particular aims to help cocoa farmers close the income gap and reduce the risk of child labour. On the product side, everything at the stand revolves around the KitKat brand. This is because 100% of the cocoa mass used for the bars at the Chocoladenwerk Hamburg comes from the Income Accelerator Program - and is therefore fully traceable back to the farmers in the Ivory Coast. In addition to a panel discussion and opportunities to talk to experts, visitors can look forward to cinematic insights into the origins of chocolate, cooking shows with chocolatey desserts and the chance to win at the wheel of fortune. A comfortable seating area invites you to relax with a “Take a Break” moment.

Mondelēz (on site on 20.1.2025): Mondelēz International is a snacking company of well-known and popular brands such as Milka, Oreo and Philadelphia. The company has a long history with its brands and locations in Germany: for example, the Milka brand has been produced at the chocolate factory in Lörrach (Baden-Württemberg) for over 140 years and Mondelēz International's largest food factory in Europe, where the Philadelphia brand is produced, is located in Bad Fallingbostel (Lower Saxony). On Partner Day, you can find out more about Mondelēz International, its products and the company's commitment to sustainability. Visitors can also look forward to exciting discussions with experts from the company, an Oreo and Milka cow walking act, cooking shows with products, hands-on activities and products to try.

Coca-Cola (on site on 21.1.2025): Coca-Cola Germany presents its broad brand portfolio. In addition to the classics such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and mezzo mix, the company will also be presenting the variety of drinks with no or few calories. The products and campaigns with which the company picks up on trends will also be shown. There are two companies behind Coca-Cola Germany: Coca-Cola GmbH, which is responsible for brand management and product and packaging development, and CCEP DE, which is responsible for bottling, sales and distribution.

Start-up weekend (25 and 26.1.2025):

On the second Friday, January 24, 2025, BVE, Lebensmittelverband and Crowdfoods invite you to the Innovators' Evening from 19:00 to 21:00, where developers, founders and marketers can come together and exchange ideas over drinks and snacks.

On the second weekend, the BVE and the Food Association will then offer founders the opportunity to present their products to future customers at the Green Week:

Bebisko Food is a young baby food manufacturer that is passionate about the health and well-being of the little ones. Bebisko has made it its mission to develop baby food that is not only nutritious, but also certified organic and halal.

Friendly Fish: The Berlin start-up offers “sushi to go”: You can buy it directly in the store and take it with you, order it online or have it delivered by delivery services. The idea: high-quality sushi for everyone!

Ginja Food brings the taste of authentic Asian cuisine to Germany - ready to eat in the supermarket! Congee is a Far Eastern rice dish that is low in calories but high in valuable ingredients.

Holiroots wants to produce more sustainable and super tasty food! To do this, they take “rescued” vegetables from farms and turn them into vegetable crackers for breakfast, dinner or crunchy moments in between.

Our Greenery: Sustainable cultivation can also find its place in everyday urban life. Our Greenery is not just a product, but a new way of life: fresh, healthy food, grown within your own four walls!

PWRGUM: The functional chewing gum PWRGUM is a new alternative to traditional energy products. The sugar-free chewing gums combine 50 mg caffeine, 40 mg taurine and vitamins B6 and B12, offering a practical and ultra-portable solution for a quick energy boost - whether for sport, work or everyday life.

Roots Radicals was born out of a passion for authentic food and the conviction that traditional preservation techniques are the key to a more conscious diet. What began as a personal project in a private kitchen quickly developed into a community movement dedicated to reducing waste and producing delicious, sustainable preserves.

At the cooking shows, the teams of Daniel Schade, President of the German Chefs' Association, and Sebastian Morgenstern cook. The moderation duo Sonja Meise, food influencer, and Kai Völker, HR1 presenter, will lead through the show program.

The BVE is the conceptual sponsor of the Grüne Woche. The joint stand of the food industry is sponsored by the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank.


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