Grüne Woche 2025: Flower Hall staje się „Blütenkiez Berlin“ Natura spotyka się z miejskim stylem życia

12 grudzień 2024

Nature meets urban lifestyle at the Grüne Woche - visitors will be able to experience this in Hall 2.2 from 17 to 26 January 2025.

Under the motto ‘Blütenkiez Berlin’, the Flower Hall will show how flowers and plants characterise urban spaces. On over 3,000 square metres, thousands of early bloomers, plants and shrubs convey the modern feeling of the capital. With colourful arrangements and inspiring hands-on activities, the Landgard growers' cooperative and the “1000 good reasons” initiative will be getting visitors in the mood for the approaching spring at the Grüne Woche.

A piece of Berlin flair - city meets nature

The ‘Blütenkiez’ will be colourful and authentic, exuding big city flair and a feel-good atmosphere - just like the German capital. Here, flowers meet city air and plants meet urban lifestyle. Flowery surprises await visitors on every corner as they stroll through Hall 2.2a. Street art and colourful flowers transform a 50-metre-long building façade made of scaffolding as well as typical elements of Berlin's residential areas such as traffic signs, traffic lights and telephone boxes into floral highlights.

Tall trees, thousands of early bloomers and two central flowerbeds with an area of over 1,000 square metres, through which a stream meanders - all this brings a lot of colour and nature into the exhibition hall. A 50-metre-long bridge over three metres high invites visitors to change their perspective.

Get active and experience - photo spots and creative worlds of experience

Numerous photo spots and activities invite trade fair visitors to join in and experience. To this end, three large overseas containers will be transformed into inspiring worlds of experience - a welcome backdrop for extraordinary souvenir photos. At the ‘Blütenbeats’ disco, visitors can get a taste of Berlin's night air with music, black light and a light show. Everyday objects such as shopping trolleys and refrigerated counters will be transformed into flowery works of art at the ‘Kiez Perle’ late-night shop.

And if you need a break from the hustle and bustle of the trade fair, you can simply make yourself comfortable in the green living room under the motto ‘We love green stuff’ on comfortable seating surrounded by carpets and lush greenery - perfect for a break. Healthy snacks to satisfy small or large appetites are available at the ‘1000 good reasons’ food truck. And to keep the floral excitement going a little longer, visitors can discover and buy fresh floristry, plants and garden supplies in the flower pavilion - a piece of ‘Blütenkiez’ for the home.

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