Na bieżąco z największymi branżowymi trendami przed FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023

9 styczeń 2023
The special online series World of Fresh Ideas is a sneak preview of some of the industry’s latest and most exciting developments before the show itself begins. The first of eight videos is now available online.

FRUIT LOGISTICA brings together the most important and innovative players in the fresh produce business in Berlin from 8 to 10 February 2023. Now, thanks to its special online series World of Fresh Ideas, trade visitors can enjoy a sneak preview of some of the industry’s latest and most exciting developments before the show itself begins.

From 9 January, FRUIT LOGISTICA will broadcast eight episodes of World of Fresh Ideas, each produced by its official partner Fruitnet. The episodes feature exclusive interviews with key players about areas that are vital to the industry’s future success.

During the first episode, Franka Rodriguez, global sourcing director at major international retailer Aldi, discusses the group’s recent efforts to pay banana growers a living wage for what they produce. “All stakeholders in the sector need to work together to achieve a more sustainable result,” she comments.

Other episodes include:

• Clemengold on the essential role that brand marketing can play to create new value

• Freshfel Europe on the huge challenges faced by everyone in the business during 2023

• BayWa Global Produce on the need to build climate resistance into new varieties

• Tech company Clarifruit on the future of AI-assisted quality control

• Organifarms on the use of robotics to automate production and cut labour requirements

• Startup Mavuno Technologies on the power of machine learning to make supply more profitable

• The world’s largest fresh produce supplier Dole on the growth of new product categories

“It would be impossible to cover everything that FRUIT LOGISTICA has to offer in the space of a few short videos, but what these interviews give you is a chance to consider some of the big trends that will shape the global fruit and veg trade in 2023,” comments Mike Knowles, managing director of Fruitnet Europe and presenter of World of Fresh Ideas.

World of Fresh Ideas will be broadcast on FRUIT LOGISTICA Online, FRUIT LOGISTICA’s YouTube channel and on

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