Już można rezerwować stoiska na 15. edycję Fruit Attraction

1 luty 2023
From 3 to 5 October, companies from the fruit and vegetable industry once again have a date at the world's leading event for the marketing of fruit and vegetables.


Fruit Attraction, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, is celebrating its 15th anniversary between the 3rd and 5th October. Under the "Growing together!” slogan, the major trade event for the fruit and vegetable industry is opening the deadline for the application to participate for all companies in the industry worldwide. 

As a novelty in this 2023 edition, and in response to the demand of the majority of customers, a preferential space reservation period will be opened for all exhibitors in 2022. From that date onwards, all available spaces will be open for allocation to whichever companies may request them.

Fruit Attraction will be celebrating its 15th anniversary in style by offering proposals to the industry as a whole that will help to dynamise and facilitate its commercial interaction

On this occasion, the powerful International Buyers Programme will once again be joined by the Guest Importing Countries initiative, with Brazil, the United States and Canada taking centre stage. This will promote trade relations between the countries of the European Union and these non-EU markets, backed by a full programme of round tables, guided tours of the fair and B2B sessions. Moreover, Madrid, which will once again become the world fruit and vegetable capital, will welcome more than 1,000 buyers, retail purchasing managers, importers and wholesalers from all over the world. 

Fruit Attraction will be held in halls 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of IFEMA MADRID where the entire range of Fresh Produce, Related Industry and  Fresh Food Logistics will be on display. And it is once again committed to its areas of solutions and services related to innovation in the agricultural industry: Biotech Attraction (research and technological developments in plant genomics) and Smart Agro (ICT applied to the fruit and vegetable industry). And it promotes the classic Ecorganic Market, a specialised area for the marketing and export of organic products. Additionally, as a novelty, lettuce stands out as the star product of Fruit Attraction 2023.

Once again, The Innovation Hub and Foro Innova will be the areas dedicated to innovation and new business developments in the industry. Concerning this area, the fair will once again host the Innovation Hub Awards, which have become a fundamental event for supporting the business entrepreneurial commitment in the industry. 

The gastronomic space within Fruit Attraction, Factoria Chef, will return with attractive demonstrations and showcookings.  

As is now usual, the fair will become a knowledge centre for the fruit and vegetable industry with a full programme of technical seminars a programme of technical conferences sessions characterised by the great diversity of content, as well as the high level of the participants and speakers.

The fair, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, will be held at the exhibition centre from Tuesday, 3 to Thursday, 5 October, from 9:30 to 19:00, and until 17:00 on the last day.

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