Zbliża się termin rejestracji dla wystawców na ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023

28 luty 2023
Exhibitors are recommended to book before 28 February to secure their stand at Asia’s premier fresh produce trade show. ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA is back in Hong Kong this year, taking place on 6-8 September 2023 at AsiaWorld-Expo.Leading companies from 27 different countries and regions spanning all continents have already registered to exhibit at Asia’s premier fresh fruit and vegetable trade show.

Exhibitor registrations received by 28 February will be considered in the first round of hall planning. Book your stand today and secure your space for 2023.

Exhibiting at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA enables companies to showcase their products and services to thousands of high-quality trade visitors and top decision makers. Exhibitors can connect with key players, strengthen existing partnerships and develop new business with leading companies covering the entire value chain while gathering essential information on every aspect of Asia’s fast-developing fresh produce business.

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA takes place together with ASIAFRUIT CONGRESS, Asia’s premier fresh produce conference event. Top-quality speakers share their insights on the hot topics in the business through a mix of engaging panel discussions and expert talks.

China market set for strong return
China’s fresh produce trade is riding high on the back of an exceptionally strong Chinese New Year sales campaign, and the industry is gearing up to return in force at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023.

In 2022, China imported 7.33m tonnes of fruit worth US$14.6bn, representing year-on-year increases of 4 per cent and 8 per cent respectively, according to recently released government data. The top-performing fruit import categories by value were durians, cherries, bananas, mangoes and coconuts.

China’s fruit exports totalled 3.26m tonnes in 2022 with a value US$4.6bn. Apples, table grapes, citrus, pears and grapefruit were the dominant products, with the majority of exports going to markets in South-East Asia such as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Leading Chinese distributor Goodfarmer, a regular exhibitor at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA since its debut in 2007, sees the event as an essential international platform.

“We’ve gained great international exposure at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA over the years. It has given us the opportunity to communicate and cooperate with overseas fruit growers and retailers and also made us realise the value of being based in China, bringing the world’s finest fruits to Chinese consumers,” said Selina Xu, Goodfarmer’s China brand director.“At ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023, we’ll continue to expand Goodfarmer’s brand awareness and influence as an industry leader. At the same time, we’ll seek to find more excellent partners around the world and build a global fruit value chain together.”

Hong Kong lifts travel restrictions
Mainland China and Hong Kong have lifted all quarantine and inland testing requirements for international visitors.Hong Kong has also reopened its border with mainland China after three long years, and cross-border travel between Hong Kong, China and Macau has fully resumed. Inbound travellers to Hong Kong can now freely enter restaurants, attractions, exhibition venues and explore the city during their stay. 
For more information and travel updates, visit www.asiafruitlogistica.com/travel-service

The lifting of restrictions paves the way for exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world to return in large numbers to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023, and they’re eagerly anticipating the opportunity to reconnect with the global fresh produce business.

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