Grupa LM wraz z markami Marpatech i Magnoni na Interpack

17 marzec 2023
The LM Group, with LM, Marpatech and Magnoni brands wants to present itself showing the best of his handling solutions. The installations that the group will bring at Interpack highlight three main characteristics of the company: quality construction, high versatility and customization.

Similarly to what was shown an year ago at Ipack-Ima, the two installations will make it look two entire lines for the transport and handling, totally conceived to demonstrate the functionality and reliability of the group.
First loop will show a primary packaging transport as cases or flow-pack and it will follow a path that includes a wash down plate divider, a retractable and tilting conveyor, a modular plastic chain curve, a wash down knife edge curve and a sortech. The sortech is a new flexible sorting system highly appreciated around the world and able to meet multiple sorting, alignment and reject needs. During the transport, product is handled through the various application without being contained by side guides.

In the second line are shown all handling possibilities for empty aluminum cans. The loop has been assembled with a multilaner, an air veil conveyor (which transport and lifts cans through puffs or air jet without moving any mechanical parts) a vacuum system for changing height in a limited space and at the end an automatic twister. This "loop" clearly illustrates some application that LM group, in particular Magnoni Brand, can propose for the handling of this very delicate product.

These two loops have been designed to give the possibility to our visitors to touch the versality and flexibility of our applications, always designed in a customization view.

All sales team will be present and available to give info and specific focus according to the different buyer needs."We can't wait to be in Dusseldorf - declares CEO of the Group Michele Franzoni -. Interpack is a very important and strategic showcase and we can't wait to see old friend again and meet new potential buyers with whom develop new interesting projects".

LM Group look forward to seeing you at Interpack, Hall 06 stand 6E01.

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