AREFLH wzmacnia swoją reprezentatywność poprzez uczestnictwo w sieci EU CAP

20 marzec 2023
AREFLH, the Assembly of European Horticultural Regions, has been newly included in the EU CAP Network and is also joining 5 Civil Dialogue Groups of the EU AGRI Commission.

It is with great satisfaction that AREFLH members, present in 10 countries in Europe, have welcomed the association's participation in the EU CAP Network, a forum that brings together the previous networks for rural development (ENRD) and for research and innovation (EIP). This network works as an expert group of the European Commission, its aim is to bring together CAP stakeholders in order to increase dialogue, direct contacts and information exchange.
AREFLH will also be represented in 5 Civil Dialogue Groups (CDG) for the next five years and will therefore be part of the following ones:

• Quality and promotion (PDO, PGI and promotion policy for agricultural products)
• CAP and strategic plans• Organicfarming
• Environment and climate change
• International aspects of agriculture (free trade agreements, phytosanitary barriers, etc.)

The CDGs are the first structured interlocutor of the Commission on the main regulatory initiatives and on the application of the regulations and directives. The validation of these 5 applications is an important and unexpected success for the AREFLH. It testifies to the recognition of the work carried out on the main European files of the sector and the aconstructive dialogue developedwith the institutions.

AREFLH members will therefore have the possibility to present candidates to participate in the meetings of the CDG, organised on an occasional basis. Depending on the number of seats available, the association will endeavour to ensure that there is equal representation between its two colleges: the regions and the producers. 

This strengthened representation with the European institutions will be highlighted at the next AREFLH General Assembly which will take place in Lleida, Spain on 23 March, as well as during the public conference organised on this occasion. It will focus on the new CAP and the draft packaging regulation and can be followed in person or via streaming.
Contact: for more information on remote viewing. 

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