Aroma Wheel opisuje charakter jabłek Marlene®

20 marzec 2023
A new and appealing way to illustrate the different varieties of the Daughter of the Alps blossoms in spring, paving the way for the strategic positioning of apple culture.    

Protected by its father, the mountain; cradled by its mother, the Mediterranean sun; grown and given strength by time, its teacher. This is how Marlene®, the Daughter of the Alps apple, develops its character: a multifaceted personality that is expressed in its varieties’ rich flavours.   

Narrating all the multifaceted versatility of Marlene® to customers and consumers is the Aroma Wheel, the first stage of an experiential journey that takes the apple to a higher level: a true guide to the flavours, aromas and textures of the Daughter of the Alps, showcased in a new and highly distinctive layout, consistent with the brand positioning. Created in collaboration with sensory analysis experts and presented with eye-catching and effective graphics, the Marlene® Aroma Wheel illustrates at a glance all the attributes of the brand’s most popular varieties: Fuji, Golden Delicious, Royal Gala, Granny Smith and Red Delicious.    

“With the arrival of spring, Marlene® blossoms in all its richness of aromas and flavours, thanks to a new tool that captures all the roundness and universe of values of the Daughter of the Alps apple at a glance,” explains Hannes Tauber, Marketing Manager at VOG. “The Aroma Wheel represents a further step towards a new dimension for the apple. It enhances the positioning of the category and supports segmentation, in a process of consumer awareness akin to products such as wine. In the coming months we will be announcing new components of this project, the launch of which will coincide with the start of the next apple season and will take place over several years”.   

In the Aroma Wheel, the apples’ properties are divided into three categories: structure, aroma and flavour. Structure takes in characteristics such as crispness, juiciness and fineness of flesh, while flavour can vary from sweetness to acidity. Finally, aroma can be floral, fruity, as well as herbaceous, tropical, spicy and so on. Each of these elements corresponds to a shade of colour so that all the characteristics of each Marlene® apple can be identified at a glance.   

A multi-channel campaign brings Marlene® spring to consumers 
Spring immediately comes to mind when talking about aromas, when the South Tyrolean apple orchards are transformed into an ocean of white and pink blossoms, and the air is filled with fresh scents and floral fragrances.   

With the arrival of the season of rebirth, Marlene® also returns to get consumers involved with TV, digital, out of home and sponsorship campaigns. Since the end of February, adverts celebrating the flowering season have been on air in Italy, Spain, Malta and Cyprus. In these countries, as well as in Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Morocco and Libya, spring will be the focus of campaigns on digital and social channels until the end of April.   

Artworks by Marlene® artists dedicated to spring will also return to decorate trams and buses in Milan, Rome, Barcelona, Malta, Cyprus and Oslo, while in 14 Italian railway stations hundreds of digital posters will invite passengers to discover South Tyrol, the land of Marlene® apples. In Stockholm, the out of home campaign will involve the underground. Outdoor and healthy lifestyle sponsorships also feature heavily, with renewed sponsorship of the Carrera de la Mujer in Spain and the Malta Marathon.  
In addition, the partnership with Norbert Niederkofler, recipient of three Michelin stars and the Green Star for sustainability continues, and will be at the centre of new developments in the coming months. 

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