Targi ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA odnotowują duże zapotrzebowanie ze strony wystawców

27 marzec 2023
Exhibitors from some 32 countries and regions as well as 21 national pavilions are already signed up to take part in Asia’s premier fresh produce trade show. 

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA is back in Hong Kong this September, and exhibitors from all over the world are moving quickly to secure their space at Asia’s premier fresh fruit and vegetable trade show.

Exhibitors representing 32 different countries and regions have already registered to showcase their products and services at the show, which takes place on 6-8 September 2023 at AsiaWorld-Expo together with ASIAFRUIT CONGRESS.Some 21 industry associations and entities have booked national or regional pavilions, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA and Vietnam.

Canada, Egypt, Italy and USA are gearing up for a standout presence, with extensive national pavilions featuring multiple display areas, while China will once again have the largest presence overall on the show floor this year.

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA brings together leading players from across the global fresh produce business and every step of the value chain. The exhibitor line-up features top names and brands in the business, including Aomori, BayWa Global Produce, T&G Global, Capespan, ClemenGold, Costa, Del Monte, Dole Asia, Goodfarmer, Jingold, Joy Wing Mau, Mission Produce, Pagoda, Pink Lady, Rockit Apple, Rijk Zwaan, Valleyfresh, WayCool Foods and Zespri among others.

Leading South Korean fresh produce exporter Evergood is back with a larger booth this year, and it has now increased its exhibition space five-fold from 2018 to 2023.

“We’ve been participating every year since 2010 to promote Korean fresh fruit and vegetables and meet buyers from all over the world, many of whom do business with us,” said CEO of Evergood, Hans Kim. “The quality of visitors is really high, and we’re looking forward to meeting and connecting with more great visitors this year.”

Smart Agri ignites industry innovation

Not only does ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA bring together leading fresh fruit and vegetable suppliers from around the world, but it is also provides the stage to showcase innovative technologies and services in the industry.

The integration of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data and AI into agriculture solutions is fuelling the rise of smart agriculture. ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA is launching the new exhibitor product category – Smart Agri – in which exhibitors are invited to feature their pioneering solutions, such as smart irrigation, intelligent lighting, agricultural robots, vertical farming and bio-mimicking pollination.

Asia’s fresh fruit and vegetable business continues to expand apace. Market growth and opportunities are being propelled by the emergence of exciting new varieties, innovative technology, better logistics that extend the reach of products, and ongoing breakthroughs in market access for suppliers and their products.

Exhibitor registrations are still being accepted. Book your stand now at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023 to take advantage of the latest advances and untapped market opportunities, and to secure your participation at Asia’s largest gathering of the global fresh produce industry.

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