Oman AgroFood 2023: Przyspieszenie innowacji w sektorze rolnictwa i rybołówstwa Omanu
29 listopad 2023
With 3200 km of coastline and vast expanses of cultivated land, agriculture and fisheries play a pivotal role in Oman's economy. These sectors provide employment opportunities and contribute to the country's ongoing efforts towards economic diversification and food security. The favorable climate in Oman allows for year-round fishing, and the nation stands as the sole net exporter of fish in the GCC, accounting for over 31% of the region's fisheries production.
The government has increased its support for the agriculture and fisheries sectors through the implementation of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Vision 2040. This long-term plan aims to transform these industries into profitable and sustainable sectors by setting an impressive target of over 220,000 tons of fish production annually, which is projected to contribute $500 - 900 million to the economy.
In alignment with its food procurement policies, Oman has intensified its investments and partnerships with private entities to support local food production, enhance productivity, and encourage the adoption of new technologies. An allocation of $801.5 million has been earmarked for the fisheries sector, while $320.5 million has been dedicated to agriculture.Recognizing the country's immense business potential, IFP Emirates (International Fairs and Promotions) and Al Nimr Expo are jointly organizing Oman AgroFood exhibition 2023. Under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries Wealth, this event will take place from 4- 6 December 2023 at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Center in Muscat.
Oman AgroFood serves as a vital annual gathering, bringing together government decision-makers, international thought-leaders, regional investors, and innovative technology and solution providers. By providing a comprehensive platform, the event offers access to emerging investment opportunities and new projects in crop and animal farming, while facilitating the optimization of international trade relations. It serves as an ideal destination to showcase the latest innovations and solutions for sustainable farming and to foster successful partnerships with local and regional entities.
A notable feature of Oman AgroFood is the concurrent conference, which runs alongside the exhibition. The conference serves as a platform to highlight the latest opportunities in Oman's agriculture and fisheries market. It will delve into cutting-edge technologies and innovations from around the world, fostering knowledge exchange and facilitating networking opportunities among industry professionals.
For further information about Oman AgroFood, please visit
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