International Food & Drink Event 2024
3 grudzień 2023
In an unprecedented move, the International Food & Drink Event (IFE) has joined forces with the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) to launch a brand-new Fresh Produce Section at the 2024 edition of IFE. Scheduled for 25-27 March at ExCeL London, this event is set to be a game-changer in the world of food and drink.
Nigel Jenney, Chief Executive of the Fresh Produce Consortium, couldn’t contain his excitement: “It brings me immense pleasure and pride to announce this groundbreaking collaboration between FPC and IFE. Fresh produce is a central part of the global food & drink industry, and this partnership recognises the transformative potential that both our organisations hold within the global food industry.”
The Fresh Produce Section promises to be a vibrant showcase of innovation, sustainability, and world-class produce businesses. It is an open invitation to industry players, from growers to retailers, to explore an impressive array of fresh produce products, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and more.
Jenney continued, “The new Fresh Produce Section will serve as a nexus where innovation, sustainability, and world-class produce businesses converge. We are connecting buyers with sellers and showcasing the innovations driving the future of fresh produce. We invite all our members and industry players to join us in March 2024.”
With over 1,500 exhibitors and 27,000 attendees expected, IFE 2024 is the UK’s most comprehensive event for the food & drink procurement sector. The introduction of the Fresh Produce Section, facilitated by the expertise of the FPC, is anticipated to be a major draw for both exhibitors and attendees.
Federico Dellafiore, Event Manager for IFE, added, “We are thrilled to partner with the Fresh Produce Consortium to introduce the Fresh Produce Section at IFE 2024. This new section aligns perfectly with our commitment to providing a comprehensive platform for the food and drink industry.”
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