Grüne Woche 2024

4 grudzień 2023
Around 70 international agriculture ministers discuss the future design of sustainable food systems at Grüne Woche

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) invites you to the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), which will take place in Berlin from January 17 to 20, 2024 under the motto "Food Systems of Our Future – Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World". The GFFA is the leading international conference on key issues for the future of the global agriculture and food sector. The event is being held for the 16th time in parallel with Grüne Woche in Berlin.

At this year's meeting, around 70 agriculture ministers - together with international organizations - will address the question of how global food systems can be made sustainable for the future and in line with the 2030 Agenda. Enormous efforts are still required to achieve the sustainability goals - above all the zero hunger goal. One in ten people on earth still goes hungry. At the same time, the fight against hunger and malnutrition is facing ever new and greater obstacles: the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, wars and conflicts. Moreover, the multilateral dialogue is still largely overshadowed by Russia’s illegal war of aggression in Ukraine and its consequences for global food security.

Against this backdrop, the BMEL would like to use the GFFA 2024 as a unifying and constructive forum to aim at deepening and strengthening the agri-political dialogue. The GFFA 2024 will focus on the following four aspects, among others

- Strengthening sustainable production and food sovereignty.
- Promote resilient and sustainable supply chains.
- Reduce food losses and waste.
- Strengthen vulnerable groups.

In addition to the responsible BMEL, a number of well-known international organizations and players such as the EU Commission, WTO, FAO World Bank and the Munich Security Conference are also organizers. The GFFA is organized by the BMEL.

Photo: Messe Berlin GmbH

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