Już ponad 90% ubiegłorocznych wystawców potwierdziło swój udział w targach Fruit Attraction 2023

11 kwiecień 2023

On its 15th anniversary, the fair expects the participation of 1,800 exhibitors and 90,000 professionals from 135 countries.


With six months to go, Fruit Attraction 2023 has confirmed the participation of more than 90% of last year's exhibitors. In its 15th Anniversary, which will be held from 3 to 5 October in Madrid, the organisation expects to exceed its figures and to register the largest and most complete of all its editions with 1,800 companies and 90,000 professionals from 135 countries.

Organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, and under the "Growing together" slogan, the great commercial event for the fruit and vegetable industry will occupy eight halls of the Madrid exhibition centre - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - around six exhibition areas. The most widely represented will once again be Fresh Produce, with the full range of fruit and vegetable products, in addition to Related Industry, which brings together the entire value chain of the industry, and Fresh Food Logistics, the space for logistics, transport and cold chain management for foodstuffs.

In addition, Fruit Attraction is once again committed to transformation solutions through innovation, sustainability and digitalisation with Smart Agro, an area specialising in innovative products that apply ICT to the fruit and vegetable industry, and Biotech Attraction, a specialised space for research and technological development in plant genomics. Once again, Ecorganic Market is strengthened; the exclusive space for the marketing and export of organic products, continues to gain momentum. Additionally,lettuce stands out as the star product of Fruit Attraction 2023. 

In its next edition, the fair will continue to implement initiatives aimed at favouring sales, promotion, development and growth of exhibiting companies. In regard to this, the powerful International Buyers Programme will once again be joined by the Guest Importing Countries initiative, with Brazil, Canada and the United States taking centre stage. This will promote trade relations between the countries of the European Union and these non-EU markets, backed by a full programme of round tables, guided tours of the fair and B2B sessions. 

Once again, The Innovation Hub and Foro Innova will be the areas dedicated to innovation and new business developments in the industry. Concerning this area, Fruit Attraction will once again host the Innovation Hub Awards, which have become a fundamental event for supporting the business entrepreneurial commitment in the industry.

It will also once again become a knowledge centre in the Forums with a complete programme of technical conferences made up of sessions characterised by the great diversity of content, as well as the high level of the participants and speakers. And the gastronomic space within Fruit Attraction, Factoria Chef, will return with attractive demonstrations and showcookings. 

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