Rekordowa edycja Macfruta dobiega końca

10 maj 2023

Piraccini: “It shows what our country’s fruit and vegetable industry can achieve by working together as a team”

Macfrut 2023 ends with record attendance. During the three-day trade fair, the halls of the Rimini Expo Centre were packed: a total of 49,700 people attended, 29% more than last year. This year’s 40th edition will be a memorable one thanks to prominent visitors, highly specialised offerings, and a larger number of international exhibitors and visitors. It will certainly go down in history for the welcome address given by an illustrious guest, the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, who paid tribute to the Italian fruit and vegetable industry at the special preview in Cesena.

Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut, said: “First of all, I would like to express my huge gratitude to all the exhibitors, institutions, sector organisations, the staff at Cesena Fiera, and the team of specialists who played a part in making this edition a success: our outstanding teamwork is what allowed us to host such an extraordinary trade fair. Macfrut shows what the fruit and vegetable industry is capable of when it comes together to work towards a common goal, adding value to the entire supply chain. We are putting together a major event, which is what our fresh produce industry deserves”.

See you next year at Macfrut 2024, to be held from 8 to 10 May.

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