Kongres i webinarium "Inwestycje i rozwój przemysłu w Azji Centralnej" – budowa i modernizacja zakładów

17 maj 2023
Registration for the Congress and Exhibition Cement Central Asia is open: construction and modernisation of plants continues. The event will take place on 5–6 September 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Have time to take part in an important industry meeting where the most relevant topics and new technologies in cement production will be discussed.

Request the event programme

Highlights in the Congress programme:
• 150+ senior executives of the largest companies in the cement industry will come together on one platform to discuss the most pressing issues in the industry
• 20+ reports with unique information from senior executives of key companies in the industry
• 15+ largest projects of industry leaders from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. Presentation of the stages of development of the largest investment projects of the cement industry in Central Asia
• Trends 2023. Overview of the cement industry in central Asia, the main trends and growth vectors of the industry from the main experts and market leaders. How does the cement industry in Central Asia live today? Key growth drivers, public incentives for industry, challenges and opportunities
• Special focus! How to ensure energy efficiency at the plant and how to make cement production environmentally friendly. Best practices of industry leaders and open questions• Exclusive exhibition and technological presentations. Technological presentations, roadshows, specialised exhibition of technologies, equipment, and services from world leaders
• 30+ hours of business and informal networking! One-on-one meetings, business lunches, coffee breaks, gala dinner, and much more.

The free webinar Investments and development of the cement industry in Central Asia – construction and modernisation of plants will be held within the framework of the congress. The webinar will be held on 6 June 2023 at 16:00 (Tashkent). The event will be held in English.

Register and receive the webinar recording.

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