Fruit Attraction 2023 przewyższa łączne obłożenie poprzedniej edycji

27 czerwiec 2023

For the first time, the fair, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, will occupy nine halls of the Madrid exhibition centre, making the city the global epicentre of fresh produce commercialization.

Three and a half months before the start of the 15th Anniversary of Fruit Attraction - from October 3 to 5—and still in the midst of the commercialization phase, the fair has already exceeded the total occupancy of its last edition, registering 58,700 square metres of fruit and vegetable produce on offer. These figures are expected to continue growing in the coming weeks.

The commitment and confidence of companies in the industry in this major international event, with the consequent growth of its surface area, have led IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, the fair organizers, to incorporate Hall 1 of the Madrid venue to accommodate new companies and distribute participation coherently. In this way, Fruit Attraction 2023 will occupy, for the first time, 9 halls—1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10—, turning the city into the global epicentre for the marketing of fresh produce.

On this occasion, Hall 1 will be dedicated to companies from the Fresh Produce area and Hall 3 will host the Valencian Community, Italy and participants from the Auxiliary Industry area. Hall 5 will accommodate Castilla La Mancha, La Rioja, Extremadura, the Canary Islands and some organisations, as well as the Innovation section of the fair: Smart Agro and Biotech Attraction. In the case of Murcia, it will occupy Hall 7, and Andalusia Hall 9, both also with companies from the Auxiliary Industry.

The even-numbered halls will host the Fresh Food Logistics area and the participation of the Southern Hemisphere—Hall 4; Catalonia, France, the Netherlands and Belgium—Hall 6; Portugal, Italy and Germany, among others, and Ecorganic and Related Industry—Hall 8. Finally, Hall 10 will be dedicated to national and international production and Auxiliary Industry companies.

With a total expected participation of 1,800 companies, the Fresh Produce Area has so far recorded a 5.5% increase over the previous year, representing over 69% of the fair. In the case of the Auxiliary Industry Area, which accounts for 25%, it points to growth in two of its industries: Biotech Attraction, 12.5%, and Smart Agro, 10%. The Fresh Food Logistics Area also recorded an increase of more than 23%, with the participation of 43 companies.  

The strong influence of Spain as a world leader in the fruit and vegetable market is reflected by the presence of almost all the autonomous communities producing fruit and vegetables in the country, confirming Fruit Attraction as an effective tool for generating business opportunities and accessing new international markets, precisely in a key month for planning campaigns.

In terms of its impact on international participation, 47 countries* will be represented so far, positioning Fruit Attraction as the key trade event for production, marketing and distribution worldwide.

These highly positive figures highlight the growing interest of the fruit and vegetable sector in participating in the industry's largest business centre, as well as its support for driving Fruit Attraction as a fundamental lever for internationalisation and a meeting point for all professionals in the supply chain.

*Argentina; Austria; Belgium; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Côte d'Ivoire; Costa Rica; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; France; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Guatemala; India; Israel; Italy; Jordan; Kenya; Mexico; Morocco; Republic of Korea; Republic of Moldova;; Panama; Peru; Poland; Portugal; Serbia; Slovenia; South Africa; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Switzerland; The Netherlands,Turkey; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay.

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