CIV sets its sights on East Asia: interest for new Apple & Strawberry varieties

21 wrzesień 2019
Now that Asia Fruit Logistica is over, CIV – Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti [Italian Growers Consortium] in San Giuseppe di Comacchio – is looking forward to the next trade fair, FRUIT ATTRACTION 2019 (Madrid, 22-24 October) where the Consortium will attend with their own space (Hall/Pabellón 10 - Stand 10 E02). In outlining an analysis of the three-day event in Hong Kong, Pier Filippo Tagliani, President of CIV, says he’s satisfied: “Despite the fact that, in absolute terms, attendance at Asia Fruit Logistica was lower than in past years, we can certainly say that the visitors who attended were mostly qualified operators in the sector. The China fair confirms its status the Asian landmark event dedicated to the fruit and vegetable sector, and constitutes a privileged access point to the Asian market, as well as an important forum for exchanging ideas and forging contacts with key international players”.
 At Asia Fruit Logistica, CIV brought the latest in new apple/pear/strawberries varieties & selections.

Marco Bertolazzi, CIV Variety Manager, explains: “These are new varieties that best meet new consumer “tastes” and protect the environment the most, as they are resistant to and/or tolerant of a few pathogens, such as: varieties belonging to the Sweet Resistants® family (Gaiapbr, Geminipbr, Fujionpbr, Smeraldapbr, etc.); the Civg198pbr/Modi® club apple; the new gala clone in the “full red” category marketed under the T-Rex® brand; and the new Fuji clones, including FUCIV51pbr SANCIV® which falls under the non-stripy category; many strawberry varieties of various types (everbearers and June-bearers) suited to a variety of environments. Among the June-bearing varieties for the north, we mention the famous Clerypbr and the new CIVNB557 LYCIA®; and among those for the south are Flaviapbr, Flaminiapbr and new entry CIVS906 ELIDE®. Among everbearers suited to cool and/or cold climates, Muranopbr continues to be the benchmark; we have also promoted Majesticpbr (a variety already established in northern Europe) and the very latest ANIA® CIVRH612 and CANTUS®CIVRH621. It is important to mention XANTE®CIVRL333, the first everbearer variety by CIV with low chill requirement, and therefore suited to warm and dry climates. CIV’s new genetics are suited to traditional field crops and/or modern soilless and/or greenhouse techniques, which combine high natural resistance with excellent organoleptic qualities in line with the demands of today’s global market”.
Bertolazzi also highlighted the cooperation with the University of Bologna (UNIBO) concerning a new programme of genetic improvement on pear trees financed by CIV: “CIV and UNIBO are committed to promoting various types of pear trees (early bearing, with over-colour, with completely red skin: PE1UNIBOpbr/Lucy Sweet®, PE2UNIBOpbr/Early Giulia®, PE4UNIBOpbr/ Lucy Red®, etc.). “CIV’s innovations”, concludes Bertolazzi, “have been met with great interest from attendees of Asia Fruit Logistica. Furthermore, I would like to mention that some new apple and strawberry selections are currently being evaluated in East Asia”.
Dario Mauro Lezziero, Modì® Project Manager, added: “There has been some interesting feedback from our Licensees Modi® International Northern and Southern hemispheres (Australia and New Zealand), as well as the licensed importer for the MODIciv® apple for India, IG INTERNATIONAL”.

As the upcoming fair, FRUIT ATTRACTION 2019, approaches, Variety Manager Marco Bertolazzi says: “Our goal is to meet international operators and clients, with a close focus on those from the Latin and Spanish world. Indeed, CIV is actively committed to increasing its presence in these markets, which certainly offer major development opportunities for genetics for the Ferrara consortium, due to the organoleptic and agronomic characteristics of the new varieties on offer. A great deal of attention will be given to developing supply chain projects and the advanced assessment of new apple tree (especially in Catalonia and Aragon) and strawberry selections (in Andalusia and Portugal)”.

“In Madrid,” conclude Bertolazzi and Lezziero, “we will offer the full range of our production, the fruit of an R&D programme built along a few guidelines: natural hardiness and vigour of the plants; good adaptability to both integrated and organic production, as well as, obviously, high-yield conventional cultivation; low environmental impact production thanks to tolerance to diseases and low water and feed requirements; top quality fruit with a distinctive flavour, and optimal consistency and shelf-life characteristics”.      


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