Rejestracja wystawców na targi ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 otwarta

10 grudzień 2023
Exhibitors can now register online for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 and gear up to join Asia's premier fresh produce industry gathering in Hong Kong.
ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and ASIAFRUIT CONGRESS, Asia’s leading fresh produce trade show and conference event, return to Hong Kong in 2024, taking place at AsiaWorld-Expo on 4-6 September.
Online exhibitor registration is now open! Exhibitors are advised to register by 29 February 2024 to be considered in the first round of hall planning.
Exhibiting at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA enables companies to showcase their products and services to thousands of high-quality international trade visitors and top decision makers. Exhibitors can connect with key players from all over the world and across the entire value chain for highly efficient networking. They can also gather essential information on every aspect of Asia’s fast developing fresh produce business.
“It was great to be back at full scale with ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA in 2023,” said David Axiotis, managing director of Global Produce Events, the organiser of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA. “With the huge success of the event and the positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors, we’re confident of delivering an even more international, efficient and high-quality trade platform for Asia’s fresh produce business at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024.”
ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA attracted a record attendance in 2023. More than 13,000 trade visitors from over 70 different countries attended the Hong Kong show to meet and do business with over 700 exhibitors from some 43 countries and regions.
Visitor survey results underlined the success of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023. Some 86 per cent of visitors held management positions and 97 per cent of visitors said they would recommend their colleagues or partners to participate in the exhibition in 2024.
Exhibitor survey results also confirmed the excellent business outcomes at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023. As many as 90 per cent of exhibitors said they were positive about the quality of trade visitors and 90 per cent of exhibitors were interested in exhibiting at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024.
Exhibitors are invited to register now to secure their stand at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024. Click here for more details on stand rental.

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