Przygotuj się do startu na FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024

17 styczeń 2024

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 gears up for digital revolution in agriculture, with expanded focus on smart farming and technology startups.

FRUIT LOGISTICA, the leading trade show for the global fresh produce business, continues to push the boundaries and provide a platform for emerging technologies to get off the ground. In Berlin from 7 to 9 February 2024, the show unveils a significantly expanded content programme that explores digital transformation in agriculture: an essential and exciting area of development that is changing the way fresh fruit and vegetables are produced, supplied, and sold.

Under its new Farming Forward banner, 22 different exhibitors from the smart agriculture sector will take to a brand new stage in Hall 3.1. On the mornings of Wednesday 7 February and Thursday 8 February, these innovators will showcase cutting-edge tech and deliver expert insights on a ‘digital revolution in farming’. Notable participants include ABZ Innovation, Clarifruit, Hectre, WayBeyond and Aerobotics, all of which have made significant advances with new technologies like drones, AI, data collection, yield mapping, and other digital applications.

On the Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, Tom Stenzel of the US-based CEA Alliance will use the same stage to host panel discussions on various aspects linked to the future of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). These topics include sustainability in indoor production, the future viability of vertical farming, and emerging technologies. Featured speakers include Rick Schneiders of Siemens, and Ellis Janssen of Phillips Signify.

Then on Friday 9 February, Wageningen University & Research brings some serious science to the Farming Forward arena, during a special symposium packed with the very latest advances in disease monitoring, food safety, data-driven greenhouses, IoT-based systems, automation, and robotics.

Technological progress in the field: FruitLogistica is placing a new focus on Smart Agriculture and Farming Forward (Photo: Messe Berlin)

Also on Friday, FRUIT LOGISTICA welcomes 20 highly promising young companies to its annual Startup Day in Hall 5.1. This year, one focus is on disruptive, digital-based innovation in logistics and supply chains. Trade visitors can expect to see plenty of groundbreaking new ideas, including drone pollinators, AI-based plant inspectors, a global shipment tracking system, and a farming system that ‘talks’ to plants and understands their needs.

For FRUIT LOGISTICA director Kai Mangelberger, the focus on smart agriculture and innovative supply chains for this year’s expanded programme is a welcome and well-timed addition. “We are thrilled to showcase the immense potential of digital technologies, which are revolutionizing so many areas of the fresh produce business. From field to fork, the innovations on display at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 will pave the way for a more sustainable, efficient, and productive future for the industry.”

A full list of events and speakers at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024, including the Farming Forward and Startup Stage sessions, can be found in the programme overview. Tickets for FRUIT LOGISTICA can only be purchased online in advance from the official ticket shop.

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