Abu Dhabi International Food Exhibition (ADIFE) 26-28 listopada

5 luty 2024

Here are TEN of the best reasons not to miss this personalized event:

The Abu Dhabi International Food Exhibition (ADIFE) stands out as a tailored trade event in the F&B industry, providing a distinctive platform for engaging with key decision-makers in both corporate and government sectors. With a global perspective complemented by a robust emphasis on local and regional growth strategies, ADIFE offers a substantial chance for prominent companies to exhibit their cutting-edge products, advancements in technology, and solutions tailored for the worldwide food industry. 

Mark your calendar for ADIFE happening from November 26th to 28th at ADNEC. Join us for three days of networking, exploration, learning, collaboration, and unlock your potential for business growth and success in the world of F&B.

Click here to find out more!

  1. Diverse Sectors: Explore various dynamic sectors at ADIFE 2024, including Coffee, Chocolate, Organic & Healthy, Pizza, Dates & Honey and more.
  2. Personalised Business Meetings: Ensures that each meeting is tailored to the buyer's preferences and priorities, maximizing the potential for meaningful business outcomes.
  3. Tailored Packages: First-time exhibitors, pods, and startups can benefit from enticing packages specifically designed to meet their unique needs.
  4. Showcase Innovation: Utilize this platform to showcase your innovative offerings to the broader food industry ecosystem and gain recognition at ADIFE Innovation Awards.
  5. Pizza Sector Debut: Witness this unparalleled opportunity to showcase your pizza-related products, ingredients, and innovations to a captive audience of industry professionals and pizza lovers. 
  6. Introducing FoodTech: Dive into the forefront of innovation and uncover the latest groundbreaking products and technologies such as AI, robotics, and 3D printing and learn how they converge to revolutionize the way we produce, prepare, and enjoy food.
  7. ADIFE Talks:  Join us as we bring together over 35 seasoned professionals from diverse backgrounds, each sharing their unique experiences and providing invaluable insights that shape the future of the food industry.
  8. Networking Opportunities: Connect with over 650 industry peers and collaborate with global exhibitors to expand your markets. 
  9. Government Partnerships: Explore strategic partnerships with government entities that can propel your business forward.
Gain Additional Exposure: Maximize your brand's exposure to global markets by participating as we offer collocated shows such as the 10th Abu Dhabi Date Palm Exhibition (ADDPE)

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