Giga® powraca i dzieli się sukcesem

6 luty 2024

Double quantities for the apple that encourages sharing. To accompany consumers’ social moments until the end of summer. 

Giga®, the mighty apple in the VOG – Home of apples assortment, has made a triumphant return to the markets to share its powerful flavour and rich tropical and fruity aromas with retailers and consumers. 

This year the apple for sharing has reached excellent quality levels. With a harvest of 9,700 tonnes for integrated production and 300 tonnes for organic – more than double the previous season – Giga® by Marlene® is aiming to gather a growing audience in Italy and Europe.

“You only have to taste it to realise that Giga ® has an edge,” comments Hannes Tauber, Marketing Manager at VOG. “We have received a lot of positive feedback from consumers, who appreciate its strong character, even in the skin. It is a firm, satisfying apple. Perfect for sharing at home. We want to create new consumption moments for the apple world and Giga® is bound to win over new fans, increasing consumption.” 

Giga® is an apple with a medium-large size. It has a long storage life, including in the home, retaining its crunchiness and rich taste. Its sweetness and aromatic intensity invite consumers to enjoy it with friends and family. Sharing therefore becomes a key asset.

“We are looking forward to sharing the success of Giga® with our customers, offering an outstanding apple also during the spring and summer periods,” adds VOG Sales Manager Klaus Hölzl. “Sales started in mid-January, but the sales season will explode from March onwards for this excellent apple, which deserves a prominent place in fruit and vegetable departments. Its reliability and extraordinary storage life, even in high temperatures, make it perfect for the warmer weather, when it can become a great summer dessert to share all together”. 

Giga® will be one of the main contract apples of the future: the planted hectares will ensure ample product availability. And there will also be continuous support in the medium and long term with regard to Marketing. In spring, communication campaigns will start again to engage consumers in the mightiness of Giga® and its concept: too good not to share.

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