FRUIT LOGISTICA przyciąga czołowych ludzi z branży z całego świata

6 luty 2024

World’s leading fruit and veg industry show breaks new records and brings together trade’s top decision-makers, with attendance from along the entire international value chain.

FRUIT LOGISTICA, the world’s leading fruit and vegetable trade exhibition and the heartbeat of the global fresh produce business, returns to Berlin for another record-breaking edition. From 7 to 9 February 2024, buyers and trade visitors from over 140 countries will find more than 2,770 exhibitors from 94 countries and all continents around the show’s 26 halls, up from 2,610 exhibitors in 2023.

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 will take place in Berlin from tomorrow to Friday.

This includes a further increase in the number of Italian exhibitors and another strong Spanish participation on a high level. Of the 47 countries that booked more space at this year’s show, China has grown the most, taking nearly three times more than it did last year, and more than it did prior to the pandemic.

There has also been strong interest from the Middle East and North Africa, as well as a ten per cent annual increase in the number of exhibitors on FRUIT LOGISTICA’s Organic Route to 211 participants.

“There is no other place in the world where you can really feel the pulse of the industry like you can do here in Berlin,” says Kai Mangelberger, director of FRUIT LOGISTICA. “The fresh produce business faces numerous challenges in terms of disruption and cost increases that now place its profitability under threat. At times like these, companies need more partners than they did in the past. And that’s why they come to FRUIT LOGISTICA.”

Kai Mangelberger, Director FRUIT LOGISTICA


FRUIT LOGISTICA retains its position as a centre of fresh produce innovation, with a packed event programme spread across six stages. For the first time this year, a new Farming Forward stage will present groundbreaking events with international and renowned partners such as the CEA Alliance and Wageningen University & Research, on the topics smart agriculture, advanced greenhouse tech, and controlled environment agriculture (CEA). And there is a packed programme of talks, interviews and discussions across all of the event’s content stages: Fresh Produce Forum, Future Lab, Logistics Hub, Tech Stage, and Friday’s Startup Stage.

The FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award (FLIA) has also been expanded for the first time to include a FLIA Technology prize. These two, industry-leading global awards will be presented in special exhibition areas between Halls 20/21 and Halls 1.1/2.1.

Improved visitor experience

Trade visitors to FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 can benefit from expanded services and even greater opportunities to network. For example, they can secure a Gold Upgrade, which gives them access to a special lounge and other amenities. Or they can take advantage of the popular Welcome Coffee each morning, or this year’s newly introduced After Work wind-down event. Plus, the show’s traditional Welcome Party curtain-raiser has for the first time been moved outside the exhibition grounds, to the Metropol Theater.

“We want every attendee truly to feel ‘The heartbeat of the fresh produce business,” Mangelberger adds. “Here in Berlin, you will meet the best in the global fresh produce trade. You will receive the best insights, get to know the best innovations, and benefit from the best networking opportunities.”

The Trend Report 2024 is now available to download free of charge.

The most important trends

As well as its annual European Statistics Handbook, the essential guide to production and trade in Europe’s fresh fruit and vegetable business, FRUIT LOGISTICA has also published its latest annual Trend Report under the title Arrested development – As towers topple and investor interest cools, what is the future for vertical farming?

Produced by Fruitnet, the report takes a deep dive into the world of vertical farming and controlled environment agriculture. Previously heralded as the future of fresh fruit and vegetable production in an increasingly urban world, recent failures in vertical farming have raised doubts about its future.

But, as some investors and innovators head for pastures new, there is continued potential for advanced technologies to have a lasting, positive impact on the sustainability of indoor production. And lessons that the business needs to learn in order to keep growing.

This year's FRUIT LOGISTICA Trend Report can be downloaded free of charge and offers insights into the future of sustainable production under controlled conditions.


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