Pomyślne wyniki tegorocznej edycji FRUIT LOGISTICA na wymagającym rynku globalnym

12 luty 2024

The world’s leading fruit and veg industry show, which took place from 7 to 9 February, recorded growth in terms of visitors, exhibitors and exhibition space. The trade fair was also more international than ever.

FRUIT LOGISTICA remains the heartbeat of the fruit and veg business: more than 66,000 visitors, alongside a further 24,000-plus exhibitor staff and 450 media representatives, took part in the show. 2,770 exhibitors presented their innovations.

This year, FRUIT LOGISTICA again positioned itself as an international meeting place for the industry - four out of five trade visitors came from abroad. With visitors from 145 countries and exhibitors from 94 nations, Fruit Logistica was more international than ever.

The world’s leading fruit and veg industry show brings together the trade’s top decision-makers, with attendance from the entire international value chain. More than 70 per cent of this year’s trade visitors were decision-makers. The opportunity to meet with old friends and new potential partners came at a crucial time, with several major challenges such as cost pressure and climate change continuing to make life tough for the international fruit and vegetable industry.

“So many of the visitors and exhibitors we spoke to said it was a really great feeling to be back at FRUIT LOGISTICA and catch up with so many people from all over the world in one place,” said event director Kai Mangelberger. “For us, that’s a really pleasing result, and makes us even more determined to build on that success. Especially in challenging times like these, face-to-face meetings at Fruit Logistica are more important than ever. With this in mind, it is certainly good news that we will not be increasing stand rental prices in the coming year.”

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 attracted exhibitors from 94 countries and trade visitors from over 145 countries.

Best business at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024

The participants in this year’s FRUIT LOGISTICA were more than satisfied. According to the preliminary findings of an exhibitor and trade visitor survey, around one in two exhibitors have already concluded business deals during the event.

Moreover, about 90 per cent expect follow-up business to be ‘satisfactory’ to ‘very good’.

Accordingly, the overall assessment of exhibitors was positive: around 9 out of 10 respondents would recommend FRUIT LOGISTICA to others in their business circle, and the same number plan to take part in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2025.

Among trade visitors, business activity was high too. Over 80 per cent were able to secure new business leads, while about one in three were already able to conclude business during the show.

All in all, the view among trade visitors was very positive. Around 95 per cent of the respondents said their overall impression was good and would recommend the event to colleagues or business partners. More than 9 out of 10 would travel to Berlin again for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2025.

FRUIT LOGISTICA made a good impression with its broad range of products and services, which was rated positively by over 90 per cent of trade visitors.



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