Interpera 2024: bilety już w sprzedaży

22 marzec 2024

The International Pear Congress will take place on 26 and 27 June 2024 in Óbidos, Portugal.

Interpera brings together the key players in the international pear sector to discuss common issues. The event is organised by AREFLH and ANP (National Association of Pera Rocha Producers). Online ticket sales have just begun at, with "early bird" prices available until 3 May 2024.

Interpera returns to Portugal ten years after the 2014 event in Santarem. Portugal is one of Europe's leading pear producing countries, with a production potential of around 200 thousand tons per year, of which around 60% is exported.

This year, the event will be held inÓbidos, a town in the western region of Portugal, where participants cannetwork and discuss key pear-related issues during two days. 

26 June: technical visits

During this day of visits, participants will discover local orchards and packing stations as well as the main research centres in the region: INIAV and COTHN.

27 June: Conference

On the second day of the congress, the conference will take place at the Praça da Criatividadein Óbidos, the brand newtown's landmark building, which was completed in 2019. There will be round tables and presentations on topics such as production forecasts, market trends, changes in pear production in Europe and issues related to the sector's main challenges.The first harvest forecasts for 2024for the main European producing countries will also be unveiled.

Tickets are on sale now  

The ticket platform is now open on with a special "Early Bird" rate. This rate will be valid until 3 May 2024.

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