Ucima świętuje 40-lecie historii projektem Ucima40

25 marzec 2024

Ucima, the Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers' Association, is launching the Ucima40 project to mark its 40th anniversary. Founded in 1984, Ucima has always supported Italian companies in the sector and plays a pivotal role in the development and promotion of the Italian packaging industry, which today stands as a world leader in its field.

This anniversary is not just an occasion to celebrate past achievements but is also an opportunity to look to the future with enthusiasm and determination. Ucima40 includes a series of innovative initiatives that will actively involve all companies in the sector.

By developing new communication channels such as podcasts, videos and special events, the project aims to tell the story of the sector and its key figures, offering an in-depth look at the challenges and achievements that have marked these forty years of hard work and innovation.

Special attention will also be devoted to the sector's future, allowing those who have played a significant role in the development of the Italian packaging industry to share their experiences and success stories with the next generation. The aim of Ucima40 is to raise awareness of the Italian packaging industry and the achievements and future prospects of this innovative, hi-tech sector.

The activities of the Ucima40 project will continue throughout 2024, and will include a series of initiatives held both in Italy and abroad. These celebrations will culminate at an evening event planned for next October in the presence of all key stakeholders in the industry.

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