Ochrona przed mrozem: o 2 stopnie więcej dzięki ekranom Arrigoni

15 kwiecień 2024

Arrigoni offers a diversified range of innovative products to mitigate low temperatures, able to prevent or reduce the incidence of frost damage. Recent tests in the UK and Italy’s Lazio region prove their efficacy.  

With the problems arising from climate change, late frost damage is an ever-increasing threat and events of this kind can jeopardise crops and the results of the whole farming year from the outset.  

The critical period for frost damage begins when plants and trees emerge from their winter dormancy and it is at that time that farmers must be ready to combat adverse weather conditions with active crop protection methods.  

Arrigoni, European leader in the production of technical textiles for agriculture, offers a series of solutions that provide real, effective answers for preventing or reducing the incidence of frost damage, depending on the climate zone and cultivation requirements.  

Arrigoni textile screens are designed to provide multifunctional effectiveness. As well as enabling significant control in relation to late frosts, they provide physical protection against a variety of threats (birds, hail, insects, excessive UV radiation, rain, etc.) and modify the growing environment (humidity, shade, temperature).  

Specifically, for frost protection the net acts like a blanket, trapping the frost on its surface and holding in the heat which the ground accumulates during the day and gives out at night, while in the daytime it reduces crop heating. This means that the net maintains a more balanced temperature, preventing harmful thermal shocks between day and night. The level of frost protection increases in proportion to the density of the technical textile and is enhanced if the sides of the structure are enclosed during the critical period.  

Arrigoni’s most innovative solutions include Protecta®, a covering system in high-tenacity Arlene Diamond monofilament, able to provide temperature control, ventilation and high strength. The Arrigoni multifunctional protective solution is effective even in particularly windy locations.  

In February 2022 a farm in the UK achieved measurable results on plum and apricot orchards: compared to the open field, the night-time temperature inside the Protecta® screens was at least 2 degrees higher.  

What’s more, the textile’s very dense weave also provided excellent protection against rain and frost, while still enabling a calibrated air flow, optimal for crop growth.  

According to data from the same tests with Protecta®, there were no significant changes in air humidity underneath the textile compared to the open field, with values just 2% higher. Very probably, this difference is due to the fact that the air underneath the covering is warmer.  

Confirming the efficacy of Arrigoni’s, Agripontina S.r.l. of Borgo Carso (Latina, Italy) adopted the company’s textiles to meet its customers’ needs. A specialist designer and supplier of protective systems for fruit crops, this business from southern Lazio chose to use the Iride Multi Pro® screen in its projects, especially in kiwi fruit orchards. Company proprietor Luca Altobello commented: “We’re very happy with the Iride Multi Pro® screen in particular. We strongly recommend this Arrigoni anti-hail net for its proven effectiveness in reducing frost damage. It guarantees reliable frost protection during light to moderate low temperature events in our orchards.” 

Another alternative developed by Arrigoni for protection from late frosts is Arricover®, an innovative multifunction bioclimatic screen for protecting sheltered and open field crops.  

Arricover® is a strong, transparent, breathable textile that combines high quality, light weight, durability and effective protection, especially on cabbage, turnip, salad leaves, carrot, leek, garlic, chicory, beetroot, parsley, strawberry, tomato, cucumber and melon. For potato growing, it can be used both to protect the crop against late frosts and to bring forward the production cycle.  

Numerous field tests have revealed that this effective agrotextile’s transparency, combined with the breathability typical of knotted mesh fabrics, enables optimal gas exchange to create a dry, more frost-resistant habitat.  

Moreover, Arricover®’s barrier effect holds the water on its surface and not on the crop, reducing frost damage.  

In addition, the net’s breathability allows the light to pass, creating the ideal conditions for photosynthesis. On the other hand, the fabric’s good permeability prevents the formation of condensate and damp, which would favour the development of fungal and other diseases. Last but not least, this bioclimatic screen also protects against wind and insects and birds, which could damage the crop.  

Easily installed, Arricover® can be placed directly on the crop, on supports or tunnels, or to close the ends of greenhouses. In extreme weather conditions, it can be used on top of Arrigoni Agrivelo® non-woven fabric for a higher degree of protection.  

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