W kwietniu Ucima kontynuuje swoją działalność targową

12 kwiecień 2024

More than 50 Italian companies are heading to Circle Pack Chile, Djazagro and Korea Pack

Following its successful participation in Propak Vietnam earlier this month, Ucima is preparing to continue its international exhibition activities with a presence at three further trade fairs, reaffirming its commitment to promoting the Italian packaging industry at a global level.

The first of these events is Circle Pack Chile to be held from 16 to 18 April. Ucima, in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency ITA, is organising a collective of 8 Italian companies consisting of Cepi, Duetti Packaging, Imball, Itatools, M.C.Z. Automazioni, Pigo, Senzani Brevetti and Zanasi. Chile is an expanding market with a vibrant economy and growing demand in the agri-food sector. The country's exports are growing rapidly and are projected to double within the next decade. One of the biggest challenges faced by Chilean producers is the enormous geographical distances that separate them from their main export markets, resulting in a need for flexible hi-tech solutions for the production of lightweight yet rugged packaging. These solutions not only need to guarantee product safety but must also allow producers to differentiate themselves in the global market.

Ucima's second stop is Djazagro in Algeria, to be held from 22 to 25 April. For this event, Ucima will once again team up with the Italian Trade Agency ITA to organise an Italian collective consisting of a total of 50 companies: A Due di Squeri Donato, A.C.M.A., A.C.M.I., Akomag, Alfatek, Arol, B.A. Processing, Cevolani Italia, Concetti, Costruzioni Meccaniche Sottoriva, Cusinato Giovanni, Ecopack, F.B.L. Food Machinery, FBR-ELPO, Fenco Food Machinery, Food Processing Equipment, Fraugroup, Frautech Separators, Giaretta Italia, Goglio, Grandi, ICA, ICAT, Imeta, Ing. A. Rossi Impianti industriali, Italpast, L.M., La Parmigiana, Laser, Luisetto Cantieri, Maselli Misure, Milkylab, Minerva Omega Group, New Project, Officina Meccanica Mingazzini, OMIP, Pietribiasi Michelangelo, Promec, RAM Elettronica, Ricciarelli, S.I.L.F.A., Selene, SIAD Macchine Impianti, Silos Revolution, Sordi, Sud Capsule, T.M.E., Tecno Pack, Zanichelli Meccanica and Zambelli.

Djazagro, devoted to the food processing, preservation and packaging sectors, is the premier event for the food industry in North Africa. In 2023, Italy reaffirmed its position as Algeria's top trading partner in these sectors with exports totalling 46 million euros, ahead of both China and France. This result represents a significant 22.4% increase in sales from the previous year.

Rounding off the month, Korea Pack in South Korea from 23 to 26 April will see the participation of 7 Italian companies in a collective organised by Ucima: Angelus, Arol, Cavanna, Concetti, Galdi, Ilpra and Polylayertech. The Italian packaging industry is renowned for its advanced technologies and is emerging as a key strategic partner capable of meeting the growing needs of the South Korean market. In 2023, South Korea's packaging machinery imports reached a total value of 348 million euros, a 16% increase on 2022. With exports of 49.7 million euros, Italy was the fourth largest exporter to South Korea after China, Germany and Japan. This marked an impressive 47% increase on the previous year and represented a 14.2% market share. South Korea was Italy's thirtieth largest export destination in 2023, a significant improvement on its fortieth place ranking in 2022.

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