Macfrut - miejsce, w którym można dowiedzieć się, w jakim kierunku zmierza ten sektor

20 maj 2024

Macfrut, the international event for the fresh produce sector, receives enthusiastic response from exhibitors  

Piraccini: ‘This is the place to be to find out where the sector is headed.’ 

Macfrut, the international event for the fresh produce sector, has once again received an enthusiastic response from exhibitors. A total of 56,200 people attended the three-day trade fair at the Rimini Expo Centre, an increase of 13% on last year. This was the most exciting edition yet, and it is clear that the sector is dynamic and confident about the future. There are many reasons to be satisfied with how well this event went. Attendance was higher on the first day: the calibre of visitors, sector professionals and foreign buyers was outstanding, and there were more of them, partly because Italian products are attracting more interest, with high-profile scientific events featuring the world’s leading experts. 

‘I can only agree with what one exhibitor told me at the trade fair: Macfrut has become a must-attend event to get an idea of where the sector is headed,’ says Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut. ‘This was our aim and the fact that the exhibitors have understood this shows that we are on the right track. Teamwork throughout the supply chain is the key to Macfrut’s success and this year’s results are proof of that. This achievement marks the beginning of a new chapter in which we will face new challenges. We believe that Italy is worthy of hosting an event of international importance. In fact, tomorrow we will start planning an even bigger and more international edition for 2025.’ 

The next edition of Macfrut will take place from 7 to 9 May 2025. The official presentation will be held in Cairo on Wednesday 11 September.  

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