Inicjatywy Fruit Attraction mające na celu maksymalne wykorzystanie udziału firm

28 maj 2024

Fruit Attraction, which will be holding its 16th edition from 8 to 10 May, will be organising specific actions to facilitate the salespromotion, development and growth of all the exhibiting companies.


Initiatives to maximise visibility and return on investment and make exhibiting companies the centre of attention for all industry professionals.





Fruit Attraction provides interested exhibiting companies with spaces for holding presentations, conferences and technical seminars. Presentations related to the latest innovations of the exhibitors' products to the 103,000 professionals who will be present at the fair.

The conference will be promoted through the trade fair’s different communication channels, but it is also essential that participating companies announce their events.

Book space








This space offers a unique opportunity for exhibitors to hold cooking demonstrations of their products. A way to promote the consumption of fruit and vegetables in a creative and delicious way through exciting show cooking events.

The aim is to seduce visitors with tips, tricks and the best recipes that highlight the versatility and incomparable flavour of fruit and vegetable products. Each presentation, which has a maximum duration of 40 minutes, offers a unique opportunity to inspire and innovate in the kitchen.

This free space is exclusively reserved for companies in the Fresh Produce Area, ensuring that each demonstration focuses on the delicious and healthy world of fruit and vegetables.

Book space




As in previous editions, Fruit Attraction is launching the INNOVATION HUB AWARDS. These awards that recognise innovation and entrepreneurship in the fruit and vegetable industry are aimed at exhibitors and co-exhibiting companies that present the best project, product or service, placing an emphasis on the criteria of innovation, sustainability, applied technology and knowledge.


All applications submitted, and that meet the requirements, will exhibit their products in the INNOVATION HUB area, an exhibition space for innovative products located in the passage between halls 1 and 3, over the 3 days of the trade fair.


Fruit Attraction, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEXis holding its 16th edition from 8 to 10 October. More than 65,000 m2 distributed over 10 halls: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 at IFEMA MADRID, showcasing products, solutions, new varieties and formats, research, trends and innovations of over 2,000 participating companies. The extensive offering will be distributed into four specialised areas: Fresh Produce, Related Industry, Fresh Food Logistics and Innova&Tech. In addition, the avocado will be the star product of 2024.

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