Winogrona stołowe z Fresh Energy

4 czerwiec 2024
Fresh Energy is one of Egypt’s growers and exporters of fresh vegetables and fruits. 

Fresh Energy offers from the its farm where the highest quality fresh produce are grown, in accordance with the strictest quality standards. This allows to maintain control over every step of the process, from seed to shelf, ensuring the freshest, most flavorful produce for customers.

Fresh Energy cultivation spreads across the 10th of Ramadan CITY, Dar El Salam 1 and 2 , AL Alamein and Al Ismailia in a mineral rich soil covering a wide range of production of premium fruits and vegetables. 

With a main European logistics center strategically located in Hungary and led by FRISS FRANCHISE ZRT,  Fresh Energy ensures efficient and timely delivery of our fresh produce across the continent. The experienced team in Hungary is dedicated to providing seamless logistics solutions and maintaining the highest quality standards throughout the supply chain.   

Fresh Energy proudly produces its products in compliance with the European Union’s standards according to the requirements of the hypermarket customers such as ALDI, Carrefour, Benny’s, Tesco and LIDL.

Fresh Energy offers a wide variety of Egyptian grapes. 

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