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4 czerwiec 2024

Conclusion of ChinaBusiness Meet Up starts the countdown to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA

Roadshow of Business Meetups reaches grand finale in Shanghai, marking 100 days to go until ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA returns to Hong Kong.

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA China Business Meet Upbrought together more than 1,600 high-level industry professionals in Shanghai on 27-28 May.

Trade visitors enjoyed two days ofilluminating talks and insights, high-quality networking, and a bustling B2B expo focused on China’s dynamic and fast-moving fresh produce market.

Held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition& Convention Center, the China Business Meet Up marked the grand finale of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA’s new roadshow of content-backed networking events in key markets across Asia. The two-day event was co-hosted with three of China’s top wholesale markets – Shanghai Huizhan, Hebei Sunhola (Gaobeidian), and G uangzhou Jiangnan.

Going deeper into markets


ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA launched the series of Asia Business Meet-Up earlier this year to deepen its connections in key markets and build even greater momentum for the trade show’s return to Hong Kong on 4-6 September 2024.

The roadshow of Business Meet-Up kicked off in Jakarta,Indonesia, in February before heading to Mumbai in March at Fresh Produce India, organised by Fruitnet. Thailand was the next stop with the Bangkok Business Meet-Up in April, followed by the last and largest edition in Shanghai on 27-28 May.

Altogether, the ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA Business Meet-Up have brought together almost 70 leading speakers to share their expert insights across four key markets, attracting more than 2,100 high-quality industry professionals.

“We are delighted with the success of the first-ever roadshow of Business Meet-Up,” said David Axiotis, Managing Director of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA organiser Global Produce Events.

“Our Business Meet-Up provide touch point events for regional industries throughout the year, they underline the commitment to fostering industry collaboration, and they have set us firmly on course for a successful ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA this September in Hong Kong.”

Valuable market insights


The China Business Meet Up kicked off with an opening ceremony led by a welcome address from Axiotis. Chris White,managing director of Fruitnet Media International, also welcomed delegates on behalf of Asiafruit Magazine, the Knowledge Partner of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and organiser of the content programme.

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA’s wholesale market partners underlined the landmark importance of the China Business Meet Up for the country’s fast-developing fresh fruit industry, with speeches from Liu Xiongjie, general manager of Shanghai’s Huizhan whole sale market, Mi Yalin, chairman of Sunhola Group and operator of the Gaobeidian wholesale market, and Ye Canjiang,chairman of Guangzhou Jiangnan wholesale market.

An information-packed programme of talks and discussions kicked off with a deep dive into the new market landscape for fruit retail in China. Clark Xiao of Trendforsee Consulting provided expert analysis of the key trends in consumer behaviour for fresh produce while Peter Zhu of Pagoda explained how the leading fruit retail chain was adapting to a tougher market environment with a range ofinitiatives.

Turning the focus to marketing innovation, Zespri’sNg Kok Hwee explained how the kiwifruit marketer was leveraging key partnerships to further extend its reach in China and amplify messaging around the health and nutritional benefits of kiwifruit. 

The programme also looked at what’s next for key fruit categories such as durians, blueberries, and pears. A panel discussion featuring Dole Food’s AndyZhang, Marc Evrard of BFV, Guangzhou Qinguo’s Terrance Li and Jacky Qin of Pacific Pace explored the growth potential for importedpears in China.

Han Di of Joy Wing Mau Group and Justin Chan of VXCold Chain provided an insightful look at the fast-evolving durian market inChina, while Driscoll’s’ Jae Chun discussed the boom in China’sblueberry production and the future trajectory for the industry.

The programme also featured spotlights on leading global fruit suppliers to the China market – Chile and Peru. PromPeru Shanghai’s Bernardo Muñozoutlined Peru’s rapid rise as a supplier and explained what’s next for the power house export nation. Hector Zhang and Freya Huang of Frutasde Chile also discussed the Chilean industry’s new initiatives to expand sales and increase consumer demand in China.

Day Two opened with a session on transforming wholesale channels in China featuring in-depth perspectives from Lai Yongjin of Guangzhou Jiangnan, Marie Wong of Shanghai Huizhan, and Yang Jianfei of Sunhola.

Turning the focus to China’s fresh produce exports, Ivy Chen of Sinolychee and Tian Shaoning of Xing Ye Yuan shared their insights on the latest trends and opportunities in key overseas markets.

The programme rounded out with a look at the fast-emerging role of IP varieties in China’s fruit industry. Bloom Fresh’s David Smith and Zhao Yi of Lusheng Law Firm discussed some of the exciting new varieties coming to market and shared their expertise on protecting and developing IP varietiesin China.

Sponsors showcase premier products


The programme of expert talks and discussions at the China Business MeetUp ran alongside a bustling B2B expo. More than 60 top companies show cased their high-quality products and services.

Sponsors included major Chinese companies such as Joy Wing Mau, Pagoda, Good farmer, Pengsheng, Qifeng, Reemoon, Shenzhen Asia Global and Chen’s Sun. The lineupalso featured leading international names, such as Blue Whale, Frutas de Chile, Sunkist, Sun Pacific, and Zespri.

In addition to the high-quality networking opportunities at the B2B expo, the China Business Meet Up included a gala dinner on the evening of 27 May.Co-hosted by ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and its wholesale market partners, the dinner brought together some 450 delegates to enjoy one another’s company in an evening of fine food, music and entertainment.

The China Business Meet Up officially started the countdown to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024, with just 100 days to go before Asia’s premier freshproduce trade show opens its doors at Asia World-Expo in Hong Kong on 4-6 September.

The online ticket shop for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA is now open. Register online today to save up to 40 per cent and skip the queues in Hong Kong:

Exhibitor registration is still open. For more information about exhibiting, please visit the website:

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