Fruit Attraction 2024 umacnia swoją pozycję lidera, a ponad 90% powierzchni stoiska zostało zarezerwowane na cztery miesiące przed otwarciem

2 czerwiec 2024

Fruit Attraction, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX taking place from 8 to 10 October at the Madrid trade fair centre, has recorded an occupancy rate of over 90% four months before the event opens, according to its director, María José Sánchez, at the presentation of the 16th edition today, which was also attended by José María Pozancos, director of FEPEX.  

So far, 65,000 m2 of exhibition space has been allocated, an increase of 39% compared to the same time last year.  All in all, the forecasts for the next edition are very optimistic with participation figures of more than 2,000 companies from 55 countries, 70,000 m2 of fruit and vegetable produce to be presented and an attendance of more than 100,000 professionals from 145 countries.

Today, the trade fair has confirmed the participation of practically all of Spain’s production areas and Autonomous Communities, as well as the international participation of 45 countries, with new markets such as Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong, which demonstrates the firm commitment of the whole sector to the project in this new edition of the Fair.

For the first time ever, Fruit Attraction 2024 will occupy ten halls at the IFEMA MADRID exhibition centre - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - making the city the world epicentre for the marketing of fresh produce, with innovation, quality and diversity as the main attributes of this major business centre, recognised by operators and retailers from all over the world as essential for planning their campaigns at a key time such as October. 

Specific areas

Under the slogan "Discover the essence of the sector", this leading trade event for the fruit and vegetable sector will be organised around four exhibition areas. The most widely represented will once again be Fresh Produce, with the full range of fruit and vegetable products, in addition to Related Industry, which brings together the entire value chain of the industry, and Fresh Food Logistics, the space for logistics, transport and cold chain management for foodstuffs. A new feature this edition is Innova&Tech, the new area that will bring together the Biotech Attraction and Smart Agro sectors and will be a space for companies involved in innovation, research and technological development in plant genomics. 

On the other hand, the avocado will be this year’s star product with several initiatives centred around this superfood, whose success has grown notably in Spain in recent years, both in terms of cultivation and exports. In addition to the From Spain Avocado Congress, the trade fair will be hosting other activities, such as a league in which students from Spanish hotel and catering schools will compete in a showcooking session led by Daniel del Toro, as well as different workshops and demonstrations. 

In its next edition, the fair will continue to implement initiatives aimed at favouring sales, promotion, development and growth of exhibiting companies. In this sense, the powerful International Buyers Programme is once again joined by the Guest Importing Countries initiative with China and Saudi Arabia as leading invitees. This will promote trade relations between the countries of the European Union and these non-EU markets, backed by a full programme of round tables, guided tours of the fair and B2B sessions. 

Once again, The Innovation Hub and Fruit Next will be the areas dedicated to innovation and new business developments in the industry. In this area, Fruit Attraction will once again host the Innovation Hub Awards, which have become a fundamental event for supporting the business entrepreneurial commitment in the industry. 

As a new addition, Fruit Attraction will be awarding the Best Stand Awards; an award that will recognise the exhibition spaces that stand out for their creativity and design in one of the three categories: Autonomous Communities and Institutions, countries and regions, and companies

It will also once again become a knowledge centre in the Forums with a complete programme of technical conferences made up of sessions characterised by a wide variety of content, as well as the high level of the participants and speakers. Among other activities, Fruit Attraction will be hosting the congresses Grape Attraction, Biofruit Congress and Fresh Food Logistics The Summit.

And the gastronomic space within Fruit Attraction, Factoría Chef, will return with attractive demonstrations and cooking shows.  This is a unique stage for promoting fruit and vegetable producers to the international channel in a setting where they can underline the quality and excellence of these foods and the infinite possibilities for their consumption.

Fruit Attraction includes some initiatives to facilitate the participation of professionals, such as the premium card or exclusive catering areas for exhibitors. In addition, Fruit Attraction is committed to using the Madrid Metro as a recommended means of transport.

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