Rejestracja handlowa otwarta dla Fruit Attraction 2024 i LIVEConnect

10 czerwiec 2024

I want to register

Professionals from the fruit and vegetable sector can now purchase their visitor passes to attend the 16th edition of Fruit Attraction.  The fair, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, will be held from 8 to 10 October and will once again bring together the entire community of the world's fruit and vegetable industry in Madrid.

Fruit Attraction offers different entry options to suit the needs of the visitors. From the professional one-day pass (daily) or a three-day pass (permanent). As a new addition, it also offers a Premium pass with exclusive access for VIP buyers, with which they can benefit from special conditions to make their visit extraordinary.

In all cases, registration will provide free access to the Fruit Attraction Community and, in this way, form part of the LIVEConnect platform, the largest professional community and social network in the fruit and vegetable industry; a space for knowledge and business.

Fruit Attraction, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, is holding its 16th edition from 8 to 10 October and is expecting participation of more than 2,000 companies from 55 countries, which will be presenting 70,000 m2 of fruit and vegetable produce. The event expects to attract more than 100,000 professionals who will be visiting from 145 countries.

All professionals interested in attending Fruit Attraction 2024 can register here.

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