Food Africa i pacprocess MEA 2024: Konwergencja gigantów branży rozpocznie się w grudniu

9 czerwiec 2024

With a legacy of successful editions, Food Africa and pacprocess MEA are gearing up for their most ambitious events yet. Exhibitors will have unmatched opportunities to connect with industry leaders and explore the burgeoning markets of Africa and the Middle East.

As Africa's population is projected to soar to 2.5 billion by 2050, the food and beverages sector is witnessing an unprecedented boom. Driven by a youthful and increasingly urban consumer base, this surge in demand for a variety of products is not only invigorating the industry but also positioning it as a key economic driver and a significant source of employment. In Egypt, the food industry is experiencing remarkable growth, marked by ongoing factory modernizations and strong support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The African food market's revenue hit $823.50 billion in 2023, with Egypt alone contributing $182.70 billion and exporting $5.1 billion worth of food products.

In parallel, the printing, packaging, and processing industries across the Middle East and Africa (MEA) are rapidly evolving. Innovation and the pursuit of efficiency are at the forefront, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and adherence to global standards. The paper packaging sector in the MEA region is valued at $74 billion, while the industrial packaging market reached $4.8 billion in 2023. These industries are on a path of transformation, blending cutting-edge technology with sustainable practices.

Food Africa: Elevating the Food and Beverages Sector

Food Africa, the International Trade Exhibition for Food & Beverages, has emerged as a premier event over the past eight years. It has become an essential platform for professionals in the food and beverages sector, showcasing the vast business potential within Egypt, the African continent, and the MENA region. Scheduled to take place from 3 to 5 December 2024, at the Egypt International Exhibition Center (EIEC) in Cairo, Food Africa promises to offer lucrative business opportunities to wholesalers, distributors, and retailers from around the globe.

This event, set over three dynamic days, will feature an innovative format that intertwines product exhibitions, networking sessions with local and international stakeholders, and curated buyer-supplier matchmaking. Exhibitors will have the unique chance to engage face-to-face with thousands of decision-makers and industry professionals, fostering partnerships and unlocking substantial opportunities in Egypt's burgeoning market and Africa's vibrant food and beverages sector.

pacprocess MEA: Pioneering the Future of Processing and Packaging

pacprocess MEA, the 5th International Exhibition for Processing & Packaging in the Middle East and Africa, is a vital event hosted by Messe Düsseldorf and a proud member of the interpack alliance. This globally recognized trade fair has become a crucial hub, connecting international traders and vendors with their counterparts from Egypt, the Middle East, and Africa. Taking place concurrently with Food Africa from 3 to 5 December 2024, at the EIEC in Cairo, pacprocess MEA is set to be a pivotal event for industry leaders.

The event will bring together professionals from a wide array of sectors, offering a platform to learn, engage, and showcase the latest products, technologies, equipment, and innovations in processing, printing, and packaging across various industries including food, beverages, confectionery, bakery, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nonfood, and industrial goods. Like Food Africa, pacprocess MEA will feature an innovative format that blends product exhibitions, networking sessions, and curated buyer-supplier matchmaking.

Food Africa and pacprocess MEA: Driving Industry Progress

The concurrent hosting of Food Africa and pacprocess MEA underscores the significant synergies between the food and beverages sector and the processing and packaging industries. These events not only highlight the immense growth potential within these sectors but also foster cross-industry collaboration, driving innovation and sustainability. The strategic location of Cairo as the host city reinforces Egypt's role as a central hub for trade and industry in the region.

Together, these exhibitions provide a comprehensive overview of the current trends and future directions of their respective industries. They offer unparalleled opportunities for businesses to expand their networks, discover new markets, and stay abreast of the latest technological advancements. For exhibitors and attendees alike, Food Africa and pacprocess MEA are more than just trade shows—they are essential gatherings that shape the future of the food, beverages, processing, and packaging industries in the Middle East and Africa.

For more information, visit


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